Genesis 10

Genesis 10 General Notes

Structure and formatting

This chapter begins a genealogical record. It also records the location of ancient people groups.

Special concepts in this chapter
Assyria and Nineveh

While these places may be located in the same area as the Assyria mentioned later in Scripture, they are not the same kingdom.

Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter
"Sons were born to"

This is an unusual phrase meaning "were sons of." (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-activepassive)

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Genesis 10:1

These were the descendants of the sons of Noah

"This is the account of Noah's sons." This sentence introduces the account of Noah's descendants in Genesis 10:1-11:9.

Genesis 10:2

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Genesis 10:3

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Genesis 10:4

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Genesis 10:5

From these the coastland peoples separated and went into their lands

"Javan's sons and descendants separated and moved to the coastlands and islands"

coastland peoples

This refers to people who lived along the coast and on the islands.

their lands

"their homelands." These are the places that the people moved to and lived in.

every one with its own language

"Each people group spoke its own language" or "The people groups divided themselves according to their languages"

Genesis 10:6


Mizraim is the Hebrew name for "Egypt."

Genesis 10:7

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Genesis 10:8


Possible meanings are 1) "mighty warrior" or 2) "mighty man" or 3) "powerful ruler."

Genesis 10:9

before Yahweh

Possible meanings are 1) "in Yahweh's sight" or 2) "with Yahweh's help"

That is why it is said

This introduces a proverb. Your language may introduce proverbs and sayings in a different way. Alternate translation: "This is the reason people say" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#writing-proverbs)

Genesis 10:10

The first centers

Possible meanings are 1) the first centers he developed or 2) the important cities.

Genesis 10:11

he went to Assyria

"Nimrod went into Assyria"

Genesis 10:12

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Genesis 10:13

Mizraim became

The list of Noah's descendants continues.


Mizraim was one of Ham's sons. His descendants became the people of Egypt. Mizraim is the Hebrew name for Egypt.

Genesis 10:14

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Genesis 10:15

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Genesis 10:16

Jebusites ... Amorites ... Girgashites

These names refer to larger groups of people that descended from Canaan.

Genesis 10:17

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Genesis 10:18

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Genesis 10:19


line between one person's land and another person's land

from Sidon, in the direction of Gerar, as far as Gaza

The direction south can be stated explicitly if needed. Alternate translation: "from Sidon city in the north as far south as Gaza town, which is near Gerar" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit)

as one goes toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboyim, as far as Lasha

The direction "east" or "inland" can be stated explicitly if needed. Alternate translation: "then east toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboyim towns, as far as Lasha" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit)

Genesis 10:20

These were the sons of Ham

The word "these" refers to the people and people groups who were listed in verses Genesis 6-19.

by their languages

"broken up according to their different languages"

in their lands

"in their homelands"

Genesis 10:21

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Genesis 10:22

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Genesis 10:23

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Genesis 10:24


Arphaxad was one of Shem's sons.

Genesis 10:25


Translators may add a footnote note that says: "The name Peleg means 'division.'"

the earth was divided

This can be made active. Alternate translation: "the people of the earth divided themselves" or "the people of the earth separated from one another" or "God divided the people of the earth" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 10:26


Joktan was one of Eber's sons. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#translate-names)

Genesis 10:27

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Genesis 10:28

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Genesis 10:29

All these

"These" here refers to the sons of Joktan.

Genesis 10:30

Their territory

"The land they controlled" or "The land they lived in"

Genesis 10:31

These were the sons of Shem

The word "these" refers to the descendants of Shem (Genesis 10:21-29).

Genesis 10:32

These were the clans

This refers back to all the people listed in Genesis 10:1-31.

according to

"listed by"

From these the nations separated and went over the earth

"From these clans the nations divided and spread over the earth" or "These clans divided from each other and formed the nations of the earth"

after the flood

This can be stated clearly or more explicitly. Alternate translation: "after the flood destroyed the earth" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit)