\r\nAbel was Adam and Eve's second son. He was Cain's younger brother.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Cain, sacrifice, shepherd)
\nAbel, Abel's
\n\r\nAbiathar was a high priest for the nation of Israel during the time of King David.
\n(See also: Zadok, Saul (OT), David, Solomon, Adonijah)
\nAbiathar, Abiathar's
\n\r\nAbijah was a king of Judah who reigned from 915 to 913 B.C. He was a son of King Rehoboam. There were also several other men named Abijah in the Old Testament:
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nAbijah, Abijah's
\n\r\nAbimelek was a Philistine king over the region of Gerar during the time when Abraham and Isaac were living in the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Beersheba, Gerar, Gideon, Jotham, Philistines)
\nAbimelek, Abimelek's
\n\r\nAbner was a cousin of King Saul in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nAbner, Abner's
\nAbram was a Chaldean man from the city of Ur who was chosen by God to be the forefather of the Israelites. God changed his name to "Abraham."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Chaldea, Sarah, Isaac)
\nAbraham, Abraham's, Abram
\n\r\nAbsalom was the third son of King David. He was known for his handsome appearance and fiery temperament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nAbsalom, Absalom's
\n\r\nAdam was the first person whom God created. He and his wife Eve were made in the image of God.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: death, descendant, Eve, image of God, life)
\nAdam, Adam's, the man, mankind
\n\r\nAdonijah was the fourth son of King David.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nAdonijah, Adonijah's
\n\r\nAhab was a very evil king who reigned over the northern kingdom of Israel from 875 to 854 BC.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Baal, Elijah, Jezebel, kingdom of Israel, Yahweh)
\nAhab, Ahab's
\n\r\nAhaz was a wicked king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah from 732 BC to 716 BC. This was about 140 years before the time when many people in Israel and Judah were taken as captives to Babylonia.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon)
\nAhaz, Ahaz's
\n\r\nAhaziah was the name of two kings: one ruled over the kingdom of Israel, and the other ruled over the kingdom of Judah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jehu, Ahab, Jeroboam, Joash)
\nAhaziah, Ahaziah's
\n\r\nAhijah was the name of several different men in the Old Testament. The following are some of these men:
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nAhijah, Ahijah's
\n\r\nIn Old Testament times, Ai was the name of a Canaanite town located just south of Bethel and about 8 km northwest of Jericho.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nThe Amalekites were a nomadic people group who lived throughout the southern part of Canaan, from the Negev desert to the country of Arabia. This people group was descended from Amalek, the grandson of Esau.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Arabia, David, Esau, Negev, Saul (OT))
\nAmalek, Amalekite, Amalekites
\n\r\nAmaziah became king over the kingdom of Judah when his father, King Joash, was murdered.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nAmaziah, Amaziah's
\nThe "people of Ammon" or the "Ammonites" were a people group in Canaan. They were descended from Ben-ammi, who was the son of Lot by his younger daughter.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: curse, Jordan River, Lot)
\nAmmon, Ammonite, Ammonites
\n\r\nAmnon was the oldest son of King David. His mother was King David's wife Ahinoam.
\nAmnon, Amnon's
\n\r\nThe Amorites were a powerful group of people who were descended from Noah's grandson Canaan.
\nAmorite, Amorites, Amorites'
\n\r\nAmos was an Israelite prophet who lived during the time of King Uzziah of Judah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: fig, Judah, kingdom of Israel, shepherd, Uzziah)
\nAmos, Amos'
\n\r\nAmoz was the father of the prophet Isaiah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nAmoz, Amoz's
\n\r\nAndrew was one of twelve men whom Jesus chose to be his closest disciples (later called apostles).
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, disciple, the twelve)
\nAndrew, Andrew's
\n\r\nAnnas was the Jewish high priest in Jerusalem for 10 years, from approximately AD 6 to AD 15. Then he was removed from the high priesthood by the Roman government, although he continued to be an influential leader among the Jews.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: high priest, priest)
\nAnnas, Annas'
\n\r\nAntioch was the name of two cities in the New Testament. One was in Syria, near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The other was in the Roman province of Pisidia, near the city of Colossae.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also:Barnabas, Colossae, John Mark, Paul, province, Rome, Syria)
\n\r\nApollos was a Jew from the city of Alexandria in Egypt who had a special ability in teaching people about Jesus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aquila, Ephesus, Priscilla, word of God)
\nApollos, Apollos'
\n\r\nAquila was a Jewish Christian from the province of Pontus, a region along the southern coast of the Black Sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Apollos, Corinth, Rome)
\nAquila, Aquila's
\n\r\nThe Old Testament term "Arabah" often refers to a very large desert and plains region that includes the valley surrounding the Jordan River and extends south to the northern tip of the Red Sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: desert, Sea of Reeds, Jordan River, Canaan, Salt Sea, Egypt)
\n\r\nArab, Arabian
\nArabia is the largest peninsula in the world, covering nearly 3,000,000 square kilometers. It is located southeast of Israel, and is bordered by the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Esau, Galatia, Ishmael, Shem, Sinai)
\nArab, Arabia, Arabian, Arabians
\n\r\nAram of Damascus, Aramaic, Aramean
\n"Aram" was the name of two men in the Old Testament. It was also the name of a region northeast of Canaan, where modern-day Syria is located.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Mesopotamia, Paddan Aram, Rebekah, Shem, Syria)
\nAram, Aram of Damascus, Aramaic, Aramean, Arameans
\n\r\nIn the Bible, "Ararat" is the name given to a land, a kingdom, and a mountain range.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\r\nArtaxerxes was a king who reigned over the Persian empire from about 464 to 424 BC.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, cupbearer, Ezra, Nehemiah, Persia)
\nArtaxerxes, Artaxerxes'
\n\r\nAsa was a king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah for forty years, from 913 B.C. to 873 B.c.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nAsa, Asa's
\n\r\nAsaph was a Levite priest and gifted musician who composed the music for the psalms of King David. He also wrote his own psalms.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: descendant, harp, lute, prophet, psalm, trumpet)
\nAsaph, Asaph's
\nAshdod was one of the five most important cities of the Philistines. It was located in southwestern Canaan near the Mediterranean Sea, halfway between the cities of Gaza and Joppa.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Joppa, Philip, Philistines)
\nAshdod, Azotus
\n\r\nAsher was the eighth son of Jacob. His descendants formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel and this tribe was also called "Asher."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Israel, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nAsher, Asher's
\n\r\nAsherah pole, Ashtoreth
\nAsherah was the name of a goddess that was worshiped by Canaanite people groups during Old Testament times. "Ashtoreth" may be another name for "Asherah," or it could be the name of a different goddess that was very similar.
\n(See also: false god, Baal, Gideon, image, Solomon)
\nAsherah, Asherah pole, Asherah poles, Asherahs, Ashtoreth, Ashtoreths
\n\r\nIn Bible times, Ashkelon was a major Philistine city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It still exists in Israel today.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ashdod, Canaan, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Philistines, Mediterranean)
\n\r\nIn Bible times, "Asia" was the name of a province of the Roman Empire. It was located in the western part of what is now the country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Rome, Paul, Ephesus)
\n\r\nAshur, Assyrian, Assyrian Empire
\nAssyria was a powerful nation during the time the Israelites were living in the land of Canaan. The Assyrian Empire was a group of nations ruled by an Assyrian king.
\n(See also: Samaria)
\nAshur, Assyria, Assyrian, Assyrian Empire, Assyrians
\n\r\nAthaliah was the evil wife of Jehoram king of Judah. She was the granddaughter of the evil King Omri of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaziah, Jehoram, Joash, Omri)
\n\r\nAzariah was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Jeremiah, Uzziah)
\nAzariah, Azariah's
\n\r\n"Baal" means "lord" or "master" and was the name of the primary false god that was worshiped by the Canaanites.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Asherah, Elijah, false god, prostitute, Yahweh)
\nBaal, Baal's
\n\r\nBaasha was one of Israel's evil kings, who influenced the Israelites to worship idols.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nBaasha, Baasha's
\n\r\nBabel was a chief city in a region called Shinar in the southern part of Mesopotamia. Shinar was later called Babylonia.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Ham, Mesopotamia)
\nBabel, Babel's
\n\r\nBabylonia, Babylonian
\nThe city of Babylon was the capital of the ancient region of Babylonia, which was also part of the Babylonian Empire.
\n(See also: Babel, Chaldea, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar)
\nBabylon, Babylon's, Babylonia, Babylonian, Babylonians
\n\r\nBalaam was a pagan prophet whom King Balek hired to curse Israel while they were camped at the Jordan River in northern Moab, preparing to enter the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: bless, Canaan, curse, donkey, Euphrates River, Jordan River, Midian, Moab, Peor)
\nBalaam, Balaam's
\n\r\nBarabbas was a prisoner in Jerusalem at the time when Jesus was arrested.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nBarabbas, Barabbas'
\n\r\nBarnabas was one of the early Christians who lived during the time of the apostles.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Christian, Cyprus, good news, Levite, Paul)
\nBarnabas, Barnabas'
\n\r\nBartholomew was one of Jesus' twelve apostles.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, good news, Holy Spirit, miracle, Pentecost, the twelve)
\nBartholomew, Bartholomew's
\n\r\nBaruch is the name of several men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: disciple, Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Nehemiah, prophet)
\nBaruch, Baruch's
\n\r\nBashan was a region of land east of the Sea of Galilee. It covered an area that is now part of Syria and the Golan Heights.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Egypt, oak, Sea of Galilee, Syria)
\nBashan, Bashan's
\n\r\nBathsheba was the wife of Uriah, a soldier in King David's army. After Uriah's death, she became the wife of David, and the mother of Solomon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, Solomon. Uriah)
\nBathsheba, Bathsheba's
\n\r\nBeelzebul is another name for Satan, or the devil. It is also sometimes spelled, "Beelzebub."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: demon, Ekron, Satan)
\nBeelzebul, Beelzebul's
\n\r\nIn Old Testament times, Beersheba was a city located about 45 miles southwest of Jerusalem in a desert area that is now called the Negev.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abimelech, Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael, Jerusalem, oath)
\n\r\nBenaiah was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
\n(See also: Asaph, Jehoiada, Levite, Solomon)
\nBenaiah, Benaiah's
\nBenjamin was the youngest son born to Jacob and his wife Rachel. His name means, "son of my right hand."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Israel, Jacob, Joseph (OT), Paul, Rachel, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nBenjamin, Benjamin's, Benjamite, Benjamites
\n\r\nIn New Testament times, Berea (or Beroea) was a prosperous Greek city in southeast Macedonia, about 80 kilometers south of Thessalonica.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Macedonia, Paul, Silas, Thessalonica)
\n\r\nBeth Shemesh was the name of a Canaanite city approximately 30 kilometers west of Jerusalem.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: ark of the covenant, Canaan, Jerusalem, Joshua, Levite, Philistines)
\nBeth Shemesh
\n\r\nThe town of Bethany was located at the base of the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, about 2 miles east of Jerusalem.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jericho, Jerusalem, Lazarus, Martha, Mary (sister of Martha), Mount of Olives)
\n\r\nBethel was a city located just north of Jerusalem in the land of Canaan. It was formerly called "Luz."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, altar, Jacob, Jerusalem)
\n\r\nBethlehem was a small city in the land of Israel, near the city of Jerusalem. It was also known as "Ephrathah," which was probably its original name.
\n(See also: Caleb, David, Micah)
\n\r\nBethuel was the son of Abraham's brother Nahor.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Beersheba, Laban, Nahor, Rebekah)
\nBethuel, Bethuel's
\n\r\nBoaz was an Israelite man who was the husband of Ruth, the great grandfather of King David, and an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Moab, redeem, Ruth)
\nBoaz, Boaz's
\n\r\nthe emperor
\nThe term "Caesar" was the name or title used by many of the rulers of the Roman Empire. In the Bible, this name refers to three different Roman rulers.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nCaesar, Caesar's, the emperor
\n\r\nCaesarea Philippi
\nCaesarea was an important city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, about 39 km south of Mount Carmel. Caesarea Philippi was a city located in the northeastern part of Israel, near Mount Hermon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Caesar, Gentile, the sea, Carmel, Mount Hermon, Rome, Tarsus)
\nCaesarea, Caesarea Philippi
\n\r\nCaiaphas was the high priest of Israel during the time of John the Baptist and Jesus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Annas, high priest)
\nCaiaphas, Caiaphas'
\n\r\nCain and his younger brother Abel were the first sons of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Bible.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nCain, Cain's
\n\r\nCaleb was one of the twelve Israelite spies whom Moses sent to explore the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nCaleb, Caleb's
\n\r\nCana was a village or town in the province of Galilee, located about nine miles north of Nazareth.
\n(See also: Capernaum, Galilee, the twelve)
\nCanaan was the son of Ham, who was one of Noah's sons. The Canaanites were the descendants of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ham, Promised Land)
\nCanaan, Canaanite, Canaanites
\n\r\nCapernaum was a fishing village on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Galilee, Sea of Galilee)
\n\r\nCarmelite, Mount Carmel
\n"Mount Carmel" refers to a mountain range that was located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea just north of the Plain of Sharon. Its highest peak is 546 meters high.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Baal, Elijah, Judah, Salt Sea)
\nCarmel, Carmelite, Mount Carmel
\nChaldea was a region in the southern part of Mesopotamia or Babylonia. The people who lived in this region were called Chaldeans.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Babylon, Shinar, Ur)
\nChaldea, Chaldean, Chaldeans, Chaldeans'
\n\r\nCilicia was a small Roman province located in the southeastern part of what is now the modern-day country of Turkey. It borders the Aegean Sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Paul, Stephen, Tarsus)
\n\r\nThe term "city of David" can refer to the city of Jerusalem, part of Jerusalem, or Bethlehem.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, Bethlehem, Jerusalem)
\ncity of David
\n\r\nColossae, Colossians
\nIn New Testament times, Colossae was a city located in the Roman province of Phrygia, an area of land that is now southwestern Turkey. The Colossians were the people who lived in Colossae.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nColossae, Colossians
\n\r\nCorinth, Corinthians
\nCorinth was a city in the country of Greece, about 50 miles west of Athens. The Corinthians were the people who lived at Corinth.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Apollos, Timothy, Titus)
\nCorinth, Corinthians
\n\r\nCornelius was a Gentile, or non-Jewish man, who was a military officer in the Roman army.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, believe, Gentile, good news, Greek, centurion)
\nCornelius, Cornelius'
\nCrete is an island that is located off the southern coast of Greece. A "Cretan" is someone who lives on this island.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nCretan, Cretans, Crete
\nCush was the oldest son of Noah's son Ham. He was also the ancestor of Nimrod. Two of his brothers were named Egypt and Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Arabia, Canaan, Egypt, Ethiopia)
\nCush, Cushite, Cushites
\n\r\nCyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, about 64 kilometers south of the modern-day country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Barnabas, John Mark, the sea)
\nCyrene was a Greek city on the north coast of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea, directly south of the island of Crete.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Crete)
\nCyrene, Cyrenians
\n\r\nCyrus was a Persian king who founded the Persian empire in about 550 BC, through military conquest. In history he was also known as Cyrus the Great.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Daniel, Darius, Ezra, Nehemiah, Persia)
\nCyrus, Cyrus'
\n\r\nDamascus is the capital city of the country of Syria. It is still in the same location as it was in Bible times.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, Assyria, believe, Syria)
\nDan was the fifth son of Jacob and was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.The region settled by the tribe of Dan in the northern part of Canaan also was given this name.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Jerusalem, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nDan, Dan's, Danite, Danites
\n\r\nDaniel was an Israelite prophet who as a young man was taken captive by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar)
\nDaniel, Daniel's
\n\r\nDarius was the name of several kings of Persia. It is possible that "Darius" was a title rather than a name.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Persia, Babylon, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah)
\nDarius, Darius'
\n\r\nDavid was the second king of Israel and he loved and served God. He was the main writer of the book of Psalms.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Goliath, Philistines, Saul (OT))
\nDavid, David's
\n\r\nDelilah was a Philistine woman who was loved by Samson, but was not his wife.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: bribe, Philistines, Samson)
\nDelilah, Delilah's
\n\r\ngarden of Eden
\nIn ancient times, Eden was a region that had a garden where God placed the first man and woman to live.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Adam, Euphrates River, Eve)
\nEden, garden of Eden
\n\r\nEdomite, Idumea
\nEdom was another name for Esau. The region where he lived also became known as "Edom" and later, "Idumea." The "Edomites" were his descendants.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: adversary, birthright, Esau, Obadiah, prophet)
\nEdom, Edom's, Edomite, Edomites, Idumea
\nEgypt is a country in the northeast part of Africa, to the southwest of the land of Canaan. An Egyptian is a person who is from the country of Egypt.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Herod the Great, Joseph (NT), Nile River, patriarchs)
\nEgypt, Egypt's, Egyptian, Egyptians, Egyptians'
\nEkron was a major city of the Philistines, located nine miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaziah, ark of the covenant, Ashdod, Beelzebul, false god, Gath, Philistines)
\nEkron, Ekronites
\nElam was a son of Shem and a grandson of Noah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nElam, Elamites
\n\r\nEleazar was the name of several men in the Bible.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aaron, high priest, David, mighty)
\nEleazar, Eleazar's
\n\r\nEliakim was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Hezekiah, Jehoiakim, Josiah, Pharaoh)
\nEliakim, Eliakim's
\n\r\nElijah was one of the most important prophets of Yahweh. Elijah prophesied during the reigns of several kings of Israel and Judah, including King Ahab.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: miracle, prophet, Yahweh)
\nElijah, Elijah's
\n\r\nElisha was a prophet in Israel during the reigns of several kings of Israel: Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Jehoash.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Elijah, Naaman, prophet)
\nElisha, Elisha's
\n\r\nElizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. Her husband's name was Zechariah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: John (the Baptist), Zechariah (NT))
\nElizabeth, Elizabeth's
\n\r\nEn Gedi was the name of a city in the wilderness of Judah southeast of Jerusalem.
\n(See also: David, desert, fountain, Judah, rest, Salt Sea, Saul (OT), stronghold, vineyard)
\nEn Gedi
\n\r\nEnoch was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nEnoch, Enoch's
\nEphesus was an ancient Greek city on the west coast of what is now the present-day country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asia, Paul, Timothy)
\nEphesian, Ephesians, Ephesus
\nEphraim was the second son of Joseph. His descendants, the Ephraimites, formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: kingdom of Israel, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nEphraim, Ephraim's, Ephraimite, Ephraimites
\n\r\nEphrath, Ephrathite
\nEphrathah was the name of a city and region in the northern part of Israel. The city of Ephrathah was also called "Ephrath," and later it was called "Bethlehem" and "Ephrathah-Bethlehem."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, Caleb, David, Israel)
\nEphrath, Ephrathah, Ephrathite, Ephrathites
\n\r\nEsau was one of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. He was the first baby born to them. His twin brother was Jacob.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Edom, Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah)
\nEsau, Esau's
\n\r\nEsther was a Jewish woman who became queen of the Persian kingdom during the time of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, Mordecai, Persia)
\nEsther, Esther's
\nEthiopia is a country in Africa located just south of Egypt, bordered by the Nile River to the west and by the Red Sea to the east. A person from Ethiopia is an "Ethiopian."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Cush, Egypt, eunuch, Philip)
\nEthiopia, Ethiopian
\n\r\nEuphrates River, the River
\nThe Euphrates is the name of one of the four rivers that flowed through the Garden of Eden. It is the river that is most often mentioned in the Bible.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nEuphrates, Euphrates River, the River
\n\r\nThis was the name of the first woman. Her name means "life" or "living."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nEve, Eve's
\n\r\nEzekiel was a prophet of God during the exile period when many Jews were taken to Babylon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Christ, exile, prophet)
\nEzekiel, Ezekiel's
\n\r\nEzra was an Israelite priest and expert in Jewish law who recorded the history of the Israelites' return to Jerusalem from Babylon where Israel had been held captive for 70 years.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, exile, Jerusalem, law, Nehemiah, temple)
\nEzra, Ezra's
\n\r\nGabriel is the name of one of God's angels. He is mentioned by name several times, in both the Old and New Testaments.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: angel, Daniel, Elizabeth, John (the Baptist), Mary, prophet, Son of God, Zechariah (NT))
\nGabriel, Gabriel's
\nGad was one of the sons of Jacob. Jacob was also named Isreal.
\n(Translation suggestions:https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: census, prophet, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nGad, Gadite, Gadites, Gad's
\nIn New Testament times, Galatia was a large Roman province located in the central part of what is now the country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asia, believe, Cilicia, good news, Paul, works)
\nGalatia, Galatians
\nGalilee was the most northern region of Israel, just north of Samaria. A "Galilean" was a person who lived in Galilee or who lived in Galilee.
\n(See also: Nazareth, Samaria, Sea of Galilee)
\nGalilee, Galilean, Galileans
\nGath was one of the five major cities of the Philistines. It was located north of Ekron and east of Ashdod and Ashkelon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gaza, Goliath, Philistines)
\nGath, Gittite, Gittites
\nDuring Bible times, Gaza was a prosperous Philistine city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, about 38 kilometers south of Ashdod. It was one of the Philistines' five major cities.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ashdod, Philip, Philistines, Ethiopia, Gath)
\nGaza, Gazites
\n\r\nGerar was a city and region in the land of Canaan, located southwest of Hebron and northwest of Beersheba.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abimelech, Beersheba, Hebron, Philistines)
\nDuring the time of King David, Geshur was a small kingdom located on the east side of the Sea of Galilee between the countries of Israel and Aram.
\n(See also: Absalom, Amnon, Aram, Sea of Galilee)
\nGeshur, Geshurites
\n\r\nGethsemane was a garden of olive trees east of Jerusalem beyond the Kidron valley and near the Mount of Olives.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Judas Iscariot, Kidron Valley, Mount of Olives)
\n\r\nGibeah was a city located north of Jerusalem and south of Bethel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Benjamin, Bethel, Jerusalem)
\nGibeon was a city that was located about 13 kilometers northwest of Jerusalem. The people living in Gibeon were the Gibeonites.
\n(See also: Gilgal, Jericho, Jerusalem)
\nGibeon, Gibeonite, Gibeonites
\n\r\nGideon was an Israelite man whom God raised up to deliver the Israelites from their enemies.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Baal, Asherah, deliver, Midian, Yahweh)
\nGideon, Gideon's
\n\r\nGilead was the name of a mountainous region east of the Jordan river where the Israelite tribes of Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh lived.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Gad, Jephthah, Manasseh, Reuben, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nGilead, Gileadite, Gileadites
\n\r\nGilgal was a town north of Jericho and was the first place that the Israelites camped after crossing the Jordan River to enter Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Elijah, , Elisha, Jericho, Jordan River)
\n\r\nThe Girgashites were a people group living near the Sea of Galilee in the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan , Ham, Noah)
\n\r\n"Golgotha" was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified. Its name comes from an Aramaic word that means "Skull" or "Place of the Skull."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, Mount of Olives)
\n\r\nGoliath was a very tall and very large soldier in the army of the Philistines who was killed by David.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, Philistines)
\nGoliath, Goliath's
\n\r\nGomorrah was a city located in a fertile valley near Sodom, where Abraham's nephew Lot chose to live.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham , Babylon, Lot, Salt Sea, Sodom)
\n\r\nGoshen was the name of a fertile region of land located along the Nile River in the northern part of Egypt.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Egypt, famine, Moses, Nile River)
\n\r\nDuring New Testament times, Greece was a province in the Roman Empire.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Corinth, Gentile, Greek, Hebrew, Philippi, Thessalonica)
\nThe term "Greek" refers to the language spoken in the country of Greece. It is also a person from the country of Greece. Greek was also spoken throughout the Roman Empire. The term "Grecian" means "Greek-speaking."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, Gentile, Greece, Hebrew, Rome)
\nGreek, Greeks, Grecian
\n\r\nHabakkuk was an Old Testament prophet who lived around the time that King Jehoiakim was reigning over Judah. The prophet Jeremiah was also alive during some of this time.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Jehoiakim, Jeremiah)
\nHabakkuk, Habakkuk's
\n\r\nHagar was an Egyptian woman who was Sarai's personal slave.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, descendant, Ishmael, Sarah, servant)
\n\r\nHaggai was a prophet of Judah after the Jews returned home from being captives in Babylon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, Uzziah, Zechariah (OT))
\nHaggai, Haggai's
\nHam was the second of Noah's three sons.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: ark, Canaan, dishonor, Noah)
\nHam, Hamite, Hamites
\n\r\nHamath Zobah, Hamathite, Lebo Hamath
\nHamath was an important city in northern Syria, north of the land of Canaan. The Hamathites were descendants of Noah's son Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Canaan, Nebuchadnezzar, Syria, Zedekiah)
\nHamath, Hamath Zobah, Hamathites, Lebo Hamath
\n\r\nHamor was a Canaanite man living in the city of Shechem when Jacob and his family were living in nearby Sukkoth. He was a Hivite.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Hivite, Jacob, Shechem, Sukkoth)
\nHamor, Hamor's
\n\r\nHananiah was the name of several different men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Azariah, Babylon, Daniel, false prophet, Jeremiah, Mishael)
\nHananiah, Hananiah's
\n\r\nHannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel. She was one of two wives of Elkanah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nHannah, Hannah's
\n\r\nHaran was a younger brother of Abram and the father of Lot.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Caleb, Canaan, Levite, Lot, Terah, Ur)
\nHebron was a city located in the high, rocky hills about 20 miles south of Jerusalem.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Absalom)
\nHebron, Hebronites, Hebronites', Hebronite's, Hebron's
\n\r\nMount Hermon is the name of the tallest mountain in Israel at the southern tip of the Lebanon mountain range.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Israel, Sea of Galilee, Syria)
\nHermon, Mount Hermon, Senir
\n\r\nDuring most of Jesus' lifetime, Herod Antipas was the ruler of the part of the Roman Empire that included Galilee province.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: crucify, Herod the Great, John (the Baptist), king, Rome)
\nHerod, Herod Antipas
\n\r\nHerod the Great was ruling over Judea at the time Jesus was born. He was the first of several Edomite rulers named Herod who ruled over parts of the Roman Empire.
\n(See https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Herod Antipas, Judea, king, temple)
\nHerod, Herod the Great, Herod's
\n\r\nHerodias was the wife of Herod Antipas in Judea during the time of John the Baptist.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Herod Antipas, John (the Baptist))
\nHerodias, Herodias'
\n\r\nHezekiah was the 13th king over the kingdom of Judah. He was a king who trusted and obeyed God.
\n(See also: Ahaz, Assyria, false god, Judah, Sennacherib)
\nHezekiah, Hezekiah's
\n\r\nHilkiah was the high priest during the reign of King Josiah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Eliakim, Hezekiah, high priest, Josiah, Judah, law, worship, Yahweh)
\nHilkiah, Hilkiah's
\n\r\nThe Hittites were descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. They became a large empire located in what is now Turkey and northern Palestine.
\n(See also: descendant, Esau, foreigner, Ham, mighty, Solomon, Uriah)
\nHittite, Hittites
\n\r\nThe Hivites were one of seven major people groups living in the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Hamor, Noah, Shechem)
\nHivite, Hivites
\n\r\nMount Horeb is another name for Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the stone tablets with the ten commandments.
\n(See also: covenant, Israel, Moses, Sinai, Ten Commandments)
\n\r\nHosea was a prophet of Israel who lived and prophesied about 750 years before the time of Christ.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaz, Hezekiah, Hoshea, Jeroboam, Jotham, Uzziah, Zechariah (OT))
\nHosea, Hosea's
\n\r\nHoshea was the name of a king of Israel and several other men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaz, Canaan, Ephraim, Hezekiah, Joshua, Moses)
\nHoshea, Hoshea's
\n\r\nThe expression "house of David" refers to the family or descendants of King David.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, descendant, house, Jesus, king)
\nhouse of David
\n\r\nIconium was a city in the south central part of what is now the country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Barnabas, Lystra, stone)
\n\r\nIsaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. God had promised to give them a son even though they were very old.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, descendant, eternity, fulfill, Jacob, Sarah, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nIsaac, Isaac's
\n\r\nIsaiah was a prophet of God who prophesied during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaz, Assyria, Christ, Hezekiah, Jotham, Judah, prophet, Uzziah)
\nIsaiah, Isaiah's
\n\r\nRelated Words:
\nIshmael was the son of Abraham and the Egyptian slave Hagar. There were several other men in the Old Testament named Ishmael.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Babylon, covenant, desert, Egypt, Hagar, Isaac, Nebuchadnezzar, Paran, Sarah)
\nIshmael, Ishmaelite, Ishmaelites, Ishmael's
\n\r\nIssachar was the fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Leah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Gad, Manasseh, Naphtali, twelve tribes of Israel, Zebulun)
\nIssachar, Issachar's
\n\r\nJacob was the younger twin son of Isaac and Rebekah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, deceive, Esau, Isaac, Israel, Rebekah, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nJacob, Jacob's
\n\r\nJames was a son of Mary and Joseph. He was one of Jesus' younger half-brothers.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, Christ, church, Judas the son of James, persecute)
\n\r\nJames, the son of Alphaeus, was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. Jesus also called these men apostles.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, disciple, James (brother of Jesus), James (son of Zebedee), the twelve)
\nJames son of Alphaeus
\n\r\nJames, a son of Zebedee, was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He had a younger brother named John who was also one of Jesus' apostles.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, Elijah, James (brother of Jesus), James (son of Alphaeus), Moses)
\nJames son of Zebedee, James
\n\r\nJapheth was one of Noah's three sons.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: ark, flood, Ham, Noah, Shem)
\nJapheth, Japheth's
\nThe Jebusites were a people group living in the land of Canaan. They were descended from Ham's son Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Ham, Jerusalem, Melchizedek)
\nJebus, Jebusite, Jebusites
\n\r\nJehoiachin was a king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Jehoiakim, Judah, Manasseh)
\nJehoiachin, Jehoiachin's
\n\r\nJehoiada was a priest who helped hide and protect King Ahaziah's son Joash until he was old enough to be declared king.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaziah, Baal, Benaiah, Joash)
\nJehoiada, Jehoiada's
\n\r\nJehoiakim was an evil king who reigned over the kingdom of Judah, beginning around 608 B.C. He was King Josiah's son. His name was originally Eliakim.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Eliakim, Jeremiah, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar)
\nJehoiakim, Jehoiakim's
\n\r\n"Jehoram" was the name of two kings in the Old Testament. Both kings were also known as "Joram."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Judah, kingdom of Israel, Obadiah)
\nJehoram, Jehoram's
\n\r\nJehoshaphat was the name of at least two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: altar, David, false god, Israel, Judah, priest, Solomon)
\nJehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat's
\n\r\nJehu was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Ahaziah, Baal, Elisha, Jehoshaphat, Jehu, Jezebel, Joram, Judah, Samaria)
\nJehu, Jehu's
\n\r\nJephthah was a warrior from Gilead who served as a judge over Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ammon, deliver, Ephraim, judge, vow)
\nJephthah, Jephthah's
\n\r\nJeremiah was a prophet of God in the kingdom of Judah. The Old Testament book of Jeremiah contains his prophecies.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Judah, prophet, rebel, suffer, well)
\nJeremiah, Jeremiah's
\n\r\nJericho was a powerful city in the land of Canaan. It was located just west of the Jordan River and just north of the Salt Sea.
\n(See also: Canaan, Jordan River, Joshua, miracle, Salt Sea)
\nJericho, Jericho's
\n\r\nJeroboam son of Nebat was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel around 900-910 BC. Another Jeroboam, son of King Jehoash, ruled over Israel about 120 years later.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: false god, kingdom of Israel, Judah, Solomon)
\nJeroboam, Jeroboam's
\n\r\nJerusalem was originally an ancient Canaanite city that later became the most important city in Israel. It is located about 34 kilometers west of the Salt Sea and just north of Bethlehem. It is still the capital city of Israel today.
\n(See also: Babylon, Christ, David, Jebusites, Jesus, Solomon, temple, Zion)
\nJerusalem, Jerusalem's
\n\r\nJesse was the father of King David and the grandson of Ruth and Boaz.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, descendant, fruit, Jesus, king, prophet, Ruth, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nJesse, Jesse's
\n\r\nThe names "Jethro" and "Reuel" both refer to the father of Moses' wife, Zipporah. There were also two other men named "Reuel" in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: captive, clan, desert, Egypt, Esau, miracle, Moses, desert)
\nJethro, Reuel
\n\r\nJezebel was the wicked wife of King Ahab of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Elijah, false god)
\nJezebel, Jezebel's
\n\r\nRelated Words:
\nJezreel was an important Israelite city in the territory of the Issachar tribe, located southwest of the Salt Sea. A Jezreelite is a person from this city.
\n(See also: Ahab, Elijah, Issachar, Jezebel, palace, Salt Sea)
\nJezreel, Jezreelite
\n\r\nJoab was an important military leader for King David throughout David's entire reign.
\nJoab, Joab's
\n\r\nJoash was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaziah, altar, Benjamin, false god, Gideon, high places, false god)
\nJoash, Joash's
\n\r\nJob was a man who is described in the Bible as blameless and righteous before God. He is best known for persevering in his faith in God through times of terrible suffering.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Esau, flood, Jacob, Noah, people group)
\nJob, Job's
\n\r\nJoel was a prophet who probably lived during the reign of King Joash of Judah. There were also several other men in the Old Testament named Joel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Joash, Judah, Pentecost)
\nJoel, Joel's
\n\r\nJohn Mark, also known as "Mark," was one of the men who traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys. He is most likely the author of the Gospel of Mark.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nJohn Mark, John ... Mark, Mark
\n\r\nJohn was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and one of Jesus' closest friends.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, reveal, James (son of Zebedee), John (the Baptist), Zebedee)
\n\r\nJohn was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Since "John" was a common name, he is often called "John the Baptist" to distinguish him from the other people named John, such as the Apostle John.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: baptize, Zechariah (NT))
\nJohn the Baptist, Baptist, John the Baptist, John's
\n\r\nJonah was a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: disobey, Nineveh, turn)
\nJonah, Jonah's
\n\r\nJonathan was the name of at least ten men in the Old Testament. The name means "Yahweh has given."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abiathar, David, Moses, Jeremiah, priest, Saul (OT), scribe)
\nJonathan, Jonathan's
\n\r\nIn Bible times, the city of Joppa was an important commercial seaport located on the Mediterranean Sea, south of the Plain of Sharon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: the sea, Jerusalem, Sharon, Tarshish)
\n\r\nJoram son of Ahab was a king of Israel. He was also sometimes referred to as "Jehoram."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, David, Elijah, Hamath, Jehoram, kingdom of Israel, Judah, Obadiah, prophet)
\nJoram, Joram's
\n\r\nThe Jordan River is a river that flows from north to south, and forms the eastern boundary of the land that was called Canaan.
\n(See also: Canaan, Salt Sea, Sea of Galilee)
\nJordan River, Jordan
\n\r\nIn the New Testament, one of the men named Joseph was Mary's husband. This Joseph was the husband of Jesus' mother Mary. Joseph raised Jesus as if Jesus were his son. Joseph was a righteous man who worked as a carpenter.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Christ, Galilee, Jesus, Nazareth, Son of God, virgin)
\n\r\nIn the Old Testament, Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob and the first son of his mother Rachel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nJoseph, Joseph's
\n\r\nThere were several Israelite men named Joshua in the Bible. The most well-known is Joshua son of Nun who was Moses' helper and who later became an important leader of God's people.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Haggai, Jericho, Moses, Promised Land, Zechariah (OT))
\nJoshua, Joshua's
\n\r\nJosiah was a godly king who reigned over the kingdom of Judah for thirty-one years. He led the people of Judah to repent and worship Yahweh.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: false god, Judah, law, Passover, temple)
\nJosiah, Josiah's
\n\r\nIn the Old Testament, there were three men with the name Jotham.
\n(See also: Abimelech, Ahaz, Gideon, Uzziah)
\nJotham, Jotham's
\n\r\nJudah was one of Jacob's older sons. His mother was Leah. His descendants were called the "tribe of Judah."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jacob, Jew, Judah, Judea, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nJudah, Judah's
\n\r\nThe tribe of Judah was the largest of the twelve tribes of Israel. The kingdom of Judah was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
\nJudah, kingdom of Judah, language of Judah
\n\r\nJudas son of Simon Iscariot
\nJudas Iscariot was one of Jesus' apostles. He was the one who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish leaders.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, betray, Jewish leaders, Judas the son of James)
\nJudas ... Iscariot
\n\r\nJudas son of James was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. Note that he was not the same man as Judas Iscariot.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Judas Iscariot, son, the twelve)
\nJudas son of James
\n\r\nThe term "Judea" refers to an area of land in ancient Israel. It is sometimes used in a narrow sense and other times in a broad sense.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Galilee, Edom, Judah, Judah, Samaria)
\n\r\nThe names Kadesh, Kadesh-Barnea, and Meribah Kadesh all refer to an important city in Israel's history which was located in the southern part of Israel, near the region of Edom.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: desert, Edom, holy)
\nKadesh, Kadesh-Barnea, Meribah Kadesh
\n\r\nKedar was Ishmael's second son. It was also an important city, which was probably named after the man.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Arabia, goat, Ishmael, sacrifice)
\n\r\nKedesh was a Canaanite city that was taken over by the Israelites when they entered the land of Canaan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Hebron, Levite, Naphtali, priest, refuge, Shechem, twelve tribes of Israel)
\n\r\nThe Kerethites were a people group who were probably part of the Philistines. Some versions write this name as "Cherethites."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Absalom, Benaiah, David, Philistines)
\n\r\nThe Kidron Valley is a deep valley just outside the city of Jerusalem, between its eastern wall and the Mount of Olives.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Absalom, Asa, Athaliah, David, false god, Hezekiah, high places, Josiah, Judah, Mount of Olives)
\nKidron Valley, Kidron
\n\r\nHouse of Israel
\nWhat had been the northern part of the nation of Israel became the kingdom of Israel when the twelve tribes of Israel were divided into two kingdoms after Solomon died.
\n(See also: Assyria, Israel, Judah, Jerusalem, kingdom, Samaria)
\nkingdom of Israel, house of Israel
\n\r\nKorah was the name of three men in the Old Testament.
\n(See also: Aaron, authority, Caleb, descendant, Esau, Judah, priest)
\nKorah, Korahite, Korahites
\n\r\nIn the Old Testament, Laban was the uncle and father-in-law of Jacob.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jacob, Nahor, Leah, Rachel)
\nLaban, Laban's
\n\r\nLamech was the name of two men mentioned in the book of Genesis.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nLamech, Lamech's
\n\r\nLazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were special friends of Jesus. Jesus often stayed with them in their home in Bethany.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: beg, Jewish leaders, Martha, Mary, raise)
\nLazarus, Lazarus'
\n\r\nLeah was one of Jacob's wives. She was the mother of ten of Jacob's sons and their descendants were ten of the twelve tribes of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jacob, Judah, Laban, Rachel, Rebekah, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nLeah, Leah's
\n\r\nLebanon is a beautiful mountainous region located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, north of Israel. In Bible times this region was thickly wooded with fir trees, such as cedar and cypress.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: cedar, cypress, fir, Phoenicia)
\n\r\nLevi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, or Israel. The term "Levite" refers to a person who is a member of the Israelite tribe whose ancestor was Levi.
\n(See also: Matthew, priest, sacrifice, temple, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nLevi, Levite, Levites, Levitical, Levi's, Levite's, Levites'
\n\r\nThe term "Leviathan" refers to a very large, extinct animal mentioned in the earliest writings of the Old Testament, the books of Job, Psalms, and Isaiah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Isaiah, Job, serpent)
\n\r\nLot was Abraham's nephew.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Ammon, Haran, Moab, Sodom)
\nLot, Lot's
\n\r\nLuke wrote two books of the New Testament: the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Antioch, Paul, Syria)
\nLuke, Luke's
\n\r\nLystra was a city in ancient Asia Minor that Paul visited on one of his missionary journeys. It was located in the region of Lycaonia, which is now in the modern-day country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: evangelist, Iconium, Timothy)
\n\r\nMaakah (or Maacah) was one of the sons of Abraham's brother Nahor. Other people in the Old Testament also had this name.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asa, Asherah, Nahor, Naphtali, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nMaakah, Maakah's
\nIn New Testament times, Macedonia was a Roman province located just north of ancient Greece.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: believe, Berea, faith, good news, Greece, Philippi, Thessalonica)
\nMacedonia, Macedonians
\n\r\nIn general, a "maker" is someone who creates or makes things.
\n(See also: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nformed, make, Maker, makes, made
\n\r\nMalachi was one of God's prophets to the kingdom of Judah. He lived around 500 years before Christ was on earth.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, captive, Ezra, Judah, Nehemiah, prophet, repent, turn)
\nMalachi, Malachi's
\n\r\nThe expression "man of God" is a respectful way of referring to a prophet of Yahweh. It is also used to refer to an angel of Yahweh.
\n(See also: angel, honor, prophet)
\nman of God
\n\r\nThere were five men by the name of Manasseh in the Old Testament:
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: altar, Dan, Ephraim, Ezra, false god, Jacob, Judah, pagan, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nManasseh, Manassites, Manasseh's
\n\r\nMartha was a woman from Bethany who followed Jesus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Lazarus, Mary (sister of Martha))
\nMartha, Martha's
\n\r\nMary was a young woman living in the city of Nazareth who was pledged to be married to a man named Joseph. God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Cana, Egypt, Herod the Great, Jesus, Joseph (NT), Son of God, virgin)
\nMary, the mother of Jesus
\n\r\nMary Magdalene was one of several women who believed in Jesus and followed him in his ministry. She was known as the one whom Jesus had healed from seven demons who had controlled her.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: demon, demon-possessed)
\nMary ... Magdalene
\n\r\nMary was a women from Bethany who followed Jesus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethany, frankincense, Lazarus, Martha)
\n\r\nMatthew was one of the twelve men that Jesus chose to be his apostles. He was also known as Levi son of Alphaeus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, Levite, tax collector)
\nMatthew, Levi
\n\r\nMedia was an ancient empire located east of Assyria and Babylonia, and north of Elam and Persia. The Medes were the people who lived in the empire of Media.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Assyria, Babylon, Cyrus, Daniel, Darius, Elam, Persia)
\nMadai, Mede, Medes, Media
\n\r\nDuring the time when Abram lived, Melchizedek was the king of the city of Salem (later "Jerusalem")
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, everlasting, high priest, Jerusalem, Levite, priest, righteous)
\nMelchizedek, Melchizedek's
\n\r\nMemphis was an ancient capital city in Egypt, along the Nile River.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Egypt, Nile River)
\n\r\nMeshech is the name of two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Japheth, Noah, Shem)
\n\r\nRelated Words:
\nAram Naharaim
\nMesopotamia is the area of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Its location is in the region of the modern day country of Iraq.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, Babylon, Chaldea, Euphrates River)
\nMesopotamia, Aram Naharaim
\n\r\nMicah was a prophet of Judah around 700 years before Christ, when the prophet Isaiah was also ministering to Judah. Another man named Micah lived during the time of the judges.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Assyria, Dan, Ephraim, false god, Isaiah, Judah, judge, Levite, priest, prophet, Samaria, silver)
\nMicah, Micah's
\n\r\nMichael is the chief of all God's holy, obedient angels. He is the only angel who is specifically referred to as the "archangel" of God.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: angel, Daniel, messenger, Persia)
\nMichael, Michael's
\nMidian was a son of Abraham and his wife Keturah. Midian was also the name of a people group and region located in the northern Arabian Desert to the south of the land of Canaan. The people of that group were called "Midianites."
\n(See also Arabia, Egypt, flock, Gideon, Jethro, Moses)
\nMidian, Midianite, Midianites, Midian's
\n\r\nMiriam was the older sister of Aaron and Moses.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aaron, Cush, intercede, Moses, Nile River, Pharaoh, rebel)
\nMiriam, Miriam's
\n\r\nMishael is the name of three men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aaron, Azariah, Babylon, Daniel, Hananiah)
\nMishael, Mishael's
\n\r\nMizpah is the name of several towns mentioned in the Old Testament. It means, "look-out point" or "watchtower."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, Judah, kingdom of Israel, Moab, Saul (OT))
\n\r\nMoab was the son of Lot's elder daughter. Moab also became the name of the land where Moab and his family lived. The term "Moabite" refers to a person who is descended from Moab or who lives in the country of Moab.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethlehem, Judea, Lot, Ruth, Salt Sea)
\nMoab, Moabite, Moabites, Moabitess, Moab's
\n\r\nMolech was the name of one of the false gods that the Canaanites worshiped. Other spellings are "Moloch" and "Molek."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, evil, false god, God, false god, sacrifice, true, worship, Yahweh)
\n\r\nMordecai was a Jewish man living in the country of Persia. He was the guardian of his cousin Esther, who later became the wife of the Persian king, Xerxes.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, Esther, Persia)
\nMordecai, Mordecai's
\n\r\nMoses was a prophet and leader of the Israelite people for over 40 years.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Miriam, Promised Land, Ten Commandments)
\nMoses, Moses'
\n\r\nThe Mount of Olives is a mountain or large hill located near the east side of the city of Jerusalem. It is about 787 meters high.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Gethsemane, olive)
\nMount of Olives, mountain that is called Olives
\n\r\nIn the Old Testament, Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of Aram.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, Jordan River, leprosy, prophet)
\nNaaman, Naaman's
\n\r\nNahor was the name of two relatives of Abraham, his grandfather and his brother.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nNahor, Nahor's
\n\r\nNahum was a prophet who preached during the time when the evil King Manasseh was ruling over Judah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Assyria, Manasseh, prophet, Nineveh)
\nNahum, Nahum's
\n\r\nNaphtali was the sixth son of Jacob. His descendants formed the tribe of Naphtali, which was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asher, Dan, Jacob, Sea of Galilee, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nNaphtali, Naphtali's
\n\r\nNathan was a faithful prophet of God who lived while David was king over Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: David, faithful, prophet, Uriah)
\nNathan, Nathan's
\n\r\nNazareth is a town in the region of Galilee in northern Israel. It is about 100 kilometers north of Jerusalem, and it took about three to five days to travel on foot.
\n(See also: Christ, Galilee, Joseph (NT), Mary)
\nNazareth, Nazarene
\n\r\nNebuchadnezzar was a king of the Babylonian Empire whose powerful army conquered many people groups and nations.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: arrogant, Azariah, Babylon, Hananiah, Mishael)
\nNebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar's
\n\r\nThe Negev is a desert region in the southern part of Israel, southwest of the Salt Sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Beersheba, Israel, Judah, Kadesh, Salt Sea, Simeon)
\n\r\nNehemiah was an Israelite forced to move to the Babylonian empire when the people of Israel and Judah were taken captive by the Babylonians.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Artaxerxes, Babylon, Jerusalem, son)
\nNehemiah, Nehemiah's
\n\r\nRiver of Egypt
\nThe Nile is a very long and wide river in northeastern Africa. It is especially well known as the main river of Egypt.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Egypt, Goshen, Moses)
\nNile River, River of Egypt, the Nile
\n\r\nNineveh was the capital city of Assyria. A "Ninevite" was a person who lived in Nineveh.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Assyria, Jonah, repent, turn)
\nNineveh, Ninevite, Ninevites
\n\r\nNoah was a man who lived over 4,000 years ago, at the time when God sent a worldwide flood to destroy all the evil people in the world. God told Noah to build a gigantic ark in which he and his family could live while the flood waters covered the earth.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: descendant, ark)
\nNoah, Noah's
\n\r\nObadiah was an Old Testament prophet who prophesied against the people of Edom, who were the descendants of Esau. There were also many other men named Obadiah in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Babylon, David, Edom, Esau, Ezekiel, Daniel, Gad, Jehoshaphat, Josiah, Levite, Saul (OT), Zedekiah)
\nObadiah, Obadiah's
\n\r\nOmri was an army commander who became the sixth king of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Israel, Jeroboam, Tirzah)
\nOmri, Omri's
\n\r\nPaddan Aram was the name of a region where Abraham's family lived before moving to the land of Canaan. It means "plain of Aram."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Aram, Bethuel, Canaan, Haran, Jacob, Laban, Rebekah, Syria)
\nPaddan Aram, Paddan
\n\r\nParan was a desert or wilderness area east of Egypt and south of the land of Canaan. There was also a Mount Paran, which may have been another name for Mount Sinai.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, desert, Egypt, Kadesh, Sinai)
\nPaul was a leader of the early church who was sent by Jesus to take the good news to many other people groups.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: christian, jewish leaders, rome)
\nPaul, Saul, Paul's
\n\r\nBaal Peor, Beth Peor, Mount Peor
\nThe terms "Peor" and "Mount Peor" refer to a mountain located northeast of the Salt Sea, in the region of Moab.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Baal, false god, Moab, Salt Sea, worship)
\nBaal Peor, Beth Peor, Mount Peor, Peor,
\n\r\n​The Perizzites were one of several people groups in the land of Canaan. Little is known about this group as to who their ancestors were or what part of Canaan they lived in.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nPerizzite, Perizzites
\n\r\nPersia was a country that also became a powerful empire founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC. The country of Persia was located southeast of Babylonia and Assyria in a region that is now the modern-day country of Iran.
\n(See also: Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Assyria, Babylon, Cyrus, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah)
\nPersia, Persian, Persians
\n\r\nCephas, Simon
\nPeter was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was an important leader of the early Church.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nPeter, Simon Peter, Cephas, Simon son of Jonah, Simon, Simon's
\n\r\nIn ancient times, the kings who ruled over the country of Egypt were called pharaohs.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nPharaoh, king of Egypt, Pharaoh's
\n\r\nIn the early Christian church in Jerusalem, Philip was one of seven leaders chosen to care for the poor and needy Christians, especially the widows.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Philip)
\nPhilip, Philip the evangelist
\n\r\nPhilip the apostle was one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus. He was from the town of Bethsaida.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Philip)
\nPhilip, Philip the apostle, the apostle Philip
\nPhilippi was a major city and Roman colony located in Macedonia in the northern part of ancient Greece. The people of Philippi were called "Philippians."
\n(See also: Caesarea, Christian, church, Macedonia, Paul, Silas)
\nPhilippi, Philippians
\n\r\nPhilistia is the name of a large region in the land of Canaan, located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
\n(See also: Philistines, Gaza, Joppa)
\n\r\nThe Philistines were a people group who occupied a region known as Philistia​ along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Their name means "people of the sea."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ashdod, Ashkelon, David, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Goliath, Salt Sea)
\nPhilistines, Philistine, Philistines', Philistine's
\n\r\nPhineas was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: ark of the covenant, Jordan River, Midian, Philistines, Samuel)
\nPhinehas, Phinehas'
\n\r\nIn ancient times, Phoenicia was a wealthy nation located in Canaan along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, north of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: cedar, purple, Sidon, Tyre)
\nPhoenicia, Syrophoenician
\n\r\nPilate was the governor of the Roman province of Judea who sentenced Jesus to death.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: crucify, governor, guilt, Judea, Rome)
\nPilate, Pontius Pilate
\n\r\nPontus was a Roman province during the time of the Roman Empire and the early Church. It was located along the southern coast of the Black Sea, in the northern part of what is now the country of Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\r\nPotiphar was an important official for the pharaoh of Egypt during the time that Joseph was sold as a slave to some Ishmaelites.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Egypt, Joseph (OT), Pharaoh)
\nPotiphar, Potiphar's
\n\r\nPriscilla and her husband Aquila were Jewish Christians who worked with the apostle Paul in his missionary work. She was also known as Prisca.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: believe, Christian, Corinth, Ephesus, Paul, Rome, Syria)
\nPriscilla, Prisca
\n\r\nRabbah was the most important city of the Ammonite people.
\n\r\nRachel was one of Jacob's wives. She and her sister Leah were the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethlehem, Jacob, Laban, Leah, Joseph (OT), twelve tribes of Israel)
\nRachel, Rachel's
\n\r\nRahab was a woman who lived in Jericho when Israel attacked the city. She was a prostitute.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Israel, Jericho, prostitute)
\n\r\nRamah was an ancient Israelite city located about 8 km from Jerusalem. It was in the region where the tribe of Benjamin lived.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Benjamin, twelve tribes of Israel)
\n\r\nRamoth was an important city in the mountains of Gilead near the Jordan River. It was also called Ramoth Gilead.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Ahaziah, Aram, Gad, Jehoshaphat, Jehu, Joram, Jordan River, Judah, refuge)
\n\r\nRebekah was a grand-daughter of Abraham's brother Nahor.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Aram, Esau, Isaac, Jacob, Nahor, Negev)
\nRebekah, Rebekah's
\n\r\nRehoboam was one of the sons of King Solomon, and he became the king of the nation of Israel after Solomon died.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: kingdom of Israel, Judah, Solomon)
\nRehoboam, Rehoboam's
\n\r\nReuben was the firstborn son of Jacob. His mother was Leah. Reuben's descendants were called Reubenites.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jacob, Joseph (OT), Leah, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nReuben, Reubenites, Reubenite, Reuben's
\n\r\nRimmon was the name of a man and of several places mentioned in the Bible. It was also the name of a false god.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Benjamin, Judea, Naaman, Syria, Zebulun)
\nRimmon, Rimmon's
\n\r\nIn New Testament times, the city of Rome was the center of the Roman Empire. It is now the capital city of the modern-day country of Italy.
\n(See also: good news, the sea, Pilate, Paul)
\nRome, Roman, Romans
\n\r\nRuth was a Moabite woman who lived during the time when judges were leading Israel. She married an Israelite man in Moab after he had moved there with his family because of a famine during the time when judges were leading Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, David, judge)
\nRuth, Ruth's
\n\r\nThe Salt Sea (also called the Dead Sea) is a lake in the Jordan River Valley. The Jordan River flows into the sea.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ammon, Arabah, , Jordan River, Moab, Negev)
\nSalt Sea, Dead Sea
\n\r\nSamaria was the name of a city and its surrounding region in the northern part of Israel. The Plain of Sharon is west of this region, and the Jordan River is east of this region. The people of Samaria were called Samaritans.
\n(See also: Assyria, Galilee, Judea, Sharon, kingdom of Israel)
\nSamaria, Samaria's, Samaritan, Samaritans
\n\r\nSamson was one of the judges, or deliverers, of Israel. He was from the tribe of Dan.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: deliver, Philistines, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nSamson, Samson's
\n\r\nSamuel was a prophet and the last judge of Israel. He anointed both Saul and David as kings over Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Hannah, judge, prophet, Yahweh)
\nSamuel, Samuel's
\n\r\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n\nSarah, Sarah's, Sarai
\n\r\nSaul was an Israelite man whom God chose to become the first king of Israel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: king)
\nSaul, Saul's
\n\r\nThe "Sea of Galilee" is a lake in eastern Israel. It was also referred to as the "Sea of Tiberias" and the "lake of Gennesaret." In the Old Testament it was called the "Sea of Kinnereth."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Capernaum, Galilee, Jordan River, Salt Sea)
\nSea of Galilee, Sea of Kinnereth, lake of Gennesaret, Sea of Tiberias, Kinnereth
\n\r\nThe "Sea of Reeds" was the name of a body of water located between Egypt and Arabia. It is now called the "Red Sea."
\n(See also: Arabia. Canaan, Egypt)
\nSea of Reeds, Red Sea
\n\r\nSennacherib was a powerful king of Assyria who caused Nineveh to become a rich, important city.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Assyria, Babylon, Hezekiah, Judah, mock, Nineveh)
\nSennacherib, Sennacherib's
\n\r\nIn the book of Genesis, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abel, Cain, call, descendant, ancestor, flood, Noah)
\nSeth, Seth's
\nSharon was the name of a flat, fertile area of land along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, south of Mount Carmel. It is also known as the "Plain of Sharon."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Caesarea, Carmel, Joppa, the sea)
\nSharon, Plain of Sharon, Lasharon
\n\r\nIn ancient times, Sheba was an ancient civilization or region of land that was located somewhere in southern Arabia. The people of Sheba were called Sabeans.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Arabia, Beersheba, Ethiopia, Solomon)
\nSheba, Sabeans
\n\r\nShechem was a town in Canaan located about 40 miles north of Jerusalem. Shechem was also the name of a man in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: Hamor)
\n(See also: Canaan, Esau, Hamor, Hivite, Jacob)
\nShechem, Shechem's
\n\r\nShem was one of Noah's three sons, all of whom went with him into the ark during the worldwide flood described in the book of Genesis.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Arabia, ark, flood, Noah)
\nShem, Shem's
\n\r\nShiloh was a walled Canaanite city that was conquered by the Israelites under the leadership of Joshua.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bethel, dedicate, Hannah, Jerusalem, Jordan River, priest, sacrifice, Samuel, temple)
\n\r\nShimei was the name of several men in the Old Testament. The descendants of Shimei were called Shemeites.
\n(See also: Absalom, Benjamin, Levite, priest)
\nShimei, Shimeites, Shimei's
\n\r\nShinar was the name of a plain or region in southern Mesopotamia.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Babel, Babylon, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, patriarchs, Ur)
\n\r\nSidon was the oldest son of Canaan. There is also a Canaanite city called Sidon, probably named after Canaan's son.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Noah, Phoenicia, the sea, Tyre)
\nSidon, Sidonians
\n\r\nSilas was a leader among the believers in Jerusalem. He was also known as Silvanus.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Antioch, Barnabas, Jerusalem, Paul, Philippi, prison, testimony)
\nSilas, Silvanus
\n\r\nIn the Bible, there were several men named Simeon.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, Christ, dedicate, Jacob, Judah, temple)
\nSimeon, Simeon's, Simeonites
\n\r\nSimon the Zealot was one of Jesus' twelve disciples.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, disciple, the twelve)
\nSimon the Zealot, Simon ... Zealot
\n\r\nMount Sinai is a mountain that was probably located in the southern part of what is now called the Sinai Peninsula. It was also known as "Mount Horeb."
\n(See also: desert, Egypt, Horeb, Promised Land, Ten Commandments)
\nSinai, Mount Sinai
\n\r\nSodom was a city in the southern part of Canaan where Abraham's nephew Lot lived with his wife and children.
\n\r\nSolomon was one of King David's sons. His mother was Bathsheba.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Bathsheba, David, Israel, Judah, kingdom of Israel, temple)
\nSolomon, Solomon's, King Solomon, King Solomon's
\n\r\nStephen is most remembered as the first Christian martyr, that is, the first person to be killed because of his faith in Jesus. The facts about his life and death are recorded in the book of Acts.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: appoint, deacon, Jerusalem, Paul, stone, true)
\nStephen, Stephen's
\n\r\nSukkoth was the name of two Old Testament cities. The word "sukkoth" (some English versions say "succoth" or "Succoth") means "shelters."
\n\r\nSyria is a country located northeast of Israel. During the time of the New Testament, it was a province under the rule of the Roman Empire.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Aram, commander, Damascus, descendant, Elisha, leprosy, Naaman, persecute, prophet)
\nSyria, Syrian
\n\r\nTamar was the name of several women in the Old Testament. It was also the name of several cities or other places in the Old Testament.
\n(See also: Absalom, ancestor, Amnon, David, ancestor, Judah, Salt Sea)
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\nTamar, Tamar's
\n\r\nTarshish was the name of two men in the Old Testament. It was also the name of a city.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Esther, Japheth, Jonah, Nineveh, Phoenicia, wise men)
\n\r\nTarsus was a prosperous city in the Roman province of Cilicia, in what is now south central Turkey.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Cilicia, Paul, province, the sea)
\n\r\nTerah was a descendant of Noah's son Shem. He was the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Canaan, Haran, Lot, Mesopotamia, Nahor, Sarah, Shem, Ur)
\nGenesis 11:31-32
\n\nTerah, Terah's
\n\r\nIn the Bible, the "Great Sea" or "western sea" refers to what is now called the "Mediterranean Sea," which was the largest body of water known to the people of Bible times.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Israel, people group, prosper)
\nthe sea, the Great Sea, the western sea, Mediterranean Sea
\n\r\nIn New Testament times, Thessalonica was the capital city of Macedonia in the ancient Roman empire. The people living in that city were called the "Thessalonians."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Macedonia, Paul, Rome)
\nThessalonica, Thessalonian, Thessalonians
\n\r\nThomas was one of twelve men whom Jesus chose to be his disciples and later, apostles. He was also known as "Didymus," which means "twin."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: apostle, disciple, God the Father, the twelve)
\nThomas, Thomas'
\n\r\nTimothy was a young man from Lystra. He later joined Paul on several missionary trips and helped shepherd new communities of believers.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: appoint, believe, church, Greek, minister)
\nTimothy, Timothy's
\n\r\nTirzah was an important Canaanite city that was conquered by the Israelites. It was also the name of a daughter of Gilead, a descendant of Manasseh.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, inherit, kingdom of Israel, Manasseh, Shechem)
\n\r\nTitus was a Gentile. He was trained by Paul to be a leader in the early churches.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: appoint, believe, church, circumcise, Crete, elder, encourage, instruct, minister)
\nTitus, Titus'
\n\r\nThe city of Troas was a seaport located on the northwest coast of the ancient Roman province of Asia.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asia, preach, province, raise, Rome, scroll, Timothy)
\n\r\nThere were several men in the Old Testament who had the name "Tubal."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Cain, descendant, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Japheth, Lamech, people group, prophet)
\n\r\nTychicus was one of Paul's fellow ministers of the gospel.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Asia, beloved, Colossae, Ephesus, faithful, good news, minister)
\nTychicus, Tychicus'
\n\r\nTyre was an ancient Canaanite city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in a region that is now part of the modern-day country of Lebanon. Its people were called "Tyrians."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Canaan, cedar, Israel, the sea, Phoenicia, Sidon)
\nTyre, Tyrians
\n\r\nUr was an important city along the Euphrates River in the ancient region of Chaldea, which was part of Mesopotamia. This region was located in what is now the modern-day country of Iraq.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Abraham, Canaan, Chaldea, Euphrates River, Haran, Lot, Mesopotamia)
\n\r\nUriah was a righteous man and one of King David's best soldiers. He is often referred to as "Uriah the Hittite."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahaz, Bathsheba, David, Hittite)
\nUriah, Uriah's
\n\r\nUzziah became king of Judah at the age of 16 and reigned 52 years, which was an unusually long reign. Uzziah was also known as "Azariah."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Azariah, Judah, king, leprosy, reign, watchtower)
\nUzziah, Uzziah's
\n\r\nIn the Old Testament book of Esther, Vashti was the wife of Xerxes, king of Persia.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Xerxes, Esther, Persia)
\nVashti, Vashti's
\nXerxes was a king who ruled over the ancient kingdom of Persia for twenty years.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, Esther, Ethiopia, exile, Persia)
\nAhasuerus, Ahasuerus', Xerxes
\n\r\nZacchaeus was a tax collector from Jericho who climbed a tree in order to be able to see Jesus who was surrounded by a large crowd of people.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: believe, promise, repent, sin, tax, tax collector)
\nZacchaeus, Zacchaeus'
\n\r\nZadok was the name of an important high priest in Israel during the reign of King David.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: ark of the covenant, David, Jotham, Nehemiah, reign, Solomon)
\nZadok, Zadok's
\n\r\nZebedee was a fisherman from Galilee who is known because of his sons, James and John, who were Jesus' disciples. They are often identified in the New Testament as the "sons of Zebedee."
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: disciple, fishermen, James (son of Zebedee), John (the apostle))
\nZebedee, Zebedee's
\n\r\nZebulun was the last son born to Jacob and Leah and is the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His descendants were called Zebulunites.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jacob, Leah, Salt Sea, twelve tribes of Israel)
\nZebulun, Zebulunite, Zebulunites, Zebulun's
\n\r\nIn the New Testament, Zechariah was a Jewish priest who became the father of John the Baptist.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Christ, Elizabeth, prophet)
\n\r\nZechariah was a prophet who prophesied during the reign of King Darius I of Persia. The Old Testament book of Zechariah contains his prophecies, which urged the returning exiles to rebuild the temple.
\n(Translation Suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Darius, Ezra, Jehoshaphat, Jeroboam, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel)
\nZechariah, Zechariah's
\n\r\nZedekiah, son of Josiah, was the last king of Judah (597-587 B.C.). There are also several other men named Zedekiah in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Ahab, Babylon, Ezekiel, kingdom of Israel, Jehoiachin, Jeremiah, Josiah, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, Nehemiah)
\nZedekiah, Zedekiah's
\n\r\nZephaniah, son of Cushi, was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem and prophesied during the reign of King Josiah. He lived during the same time period as Jeremiah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Jeremiah, Josiah, priest)
\nZephaniah, Zephaniah's
\n\r\nZerubbabel was the name of two Israelite men in the Old Testament.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Babylon, captive, Cyrus, Ezra, high priest, Jehoiakim, Joshua, Judah, Nehemiah, Persia, Zedekiah)
\nZerubbabel, Zerubbabel's
\n\r\nZoar was a small city where Lot fled when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
\n(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
\n(See also: Lot, Sodom, Gomorrah)
\n\r\nAaron was Moses' older brother. God chose Aaron to be the first high priest for the people of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: priest, Moses, Israel)
Aaron, Aaron's
Abel was Adam and Eve's second son. He was Cain's younger brother.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Cain, sacrifice, shepherd)
Abel, Abel's
Abiathar was a high priest for the nation of Israel during the time of King David.
(See also: Zadok, Saul (OT), David, Solomon, Adonijah)
Abiathar, Abiathar's
Abijah was a king of Judah who reigned from 915 to 913 B.C. He was a son of King Rehoboam. There were also several other men named Abijah in the Old Testament:
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Abijah, Abijah's
Abimelek was a Philistine king over the region of Gerar during the time when Abraham and Isaac were living in the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Beersheba, Gerar, Gideon, Jotham, Philistines)
Abimelek, Abimelek's
Abner was a cousin of King Saul in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Abner, Abner's
Abram was a Chaldean man from the city of Ur who was chosen by God to be the forefather of the Israelites. God changed his name to "Abraham."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Chaldea, Sarah, Isaac)
Abraham, Abraham's, Abram
Absalom was the third son of King David. He was known for his handsome appearance and fiery temperament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Absalom, Absalom's
Adam was the first person whom God created. He and his wife Eve were made in the image of God.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: death, descendant, Eve, image of God, life)
Adam, Adam's, the man, mankind
Adonijah was the fourth son of King David.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Adonijah, Adonijah's
Ahab was a very evil king who reigned over the northern kingdom of Israel from 875 to 854 BC.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Baal, Elijah, Jezebel, kingdom of Israel, Yahweh)
Ahab, Ahab's
Ahaz was a wicked king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah from 732 BC to 716 BC. This was about 140 years before the time when many people in Israel and Judah were taken as captives to Babylonia.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon)
Ahaz, Ahaz's
Ahaziah was the name of two kings: one ruled over the kingdom of Israel, and the other ruled over the kingdom of Judah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jehu, Ahab, Jeroboam, Joash)
Ahaziah, Ahaziah's
Ahijah was the name of several different men in the Old Testament. The following are some of these men:
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Ahijah, Ahijah's
In Old Testament times, Ai was the name of a Canaanite town located just south of Bethel and about 8 km northwest of Jericho.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
The Amalekites were a nomadic people group who lived throughout the southern part of Canaan, from the Negev desert to the country of Arabia. This people group was descended from Amalek, the grandson of Esau.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Arabia, David, Esau, Negev, Saul (OT))
Amalek, Amalekite, Amalekites
Amaziah became king over the kingdom of Judah when his father, King Joash, was murdered.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Amaziah, Amaziah's
The "people of Ammon" or the "Ammonites" were a people group in Canaan. They were descended from Ben-ammi, who was the son of Lot by his younger daughter.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: curse, Jordan River, Lot)
Ammon, Ammonite, Ammonites
Amnon was the oldest son of King David. His mother was King David's wife Ahinoam.
Amnon, Amnon's
The Amorites were a powerful group of people who were descended from Noah's grandson Canaan.
Amorite, Amorites, Amorites'
Amos was an Israelite prophet who lived during the time of King Uzziah of Judah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: fig, Judah, kingdom of Israel, shepherd, Uzziah)
Amos, Amos'
Amoz was the father of the prophet Isaiah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Amoz, Amoz's
Andrew was one of twelve men whom Jesus chose to be his closest disciples (later called apostles).
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, disciple, the twelve)
Andrew, Andrew's
Annas was the Jewish high priest in Jerusalem for 10 years, from approximately AD 6 to AD 15. Then he was removed from the high priesthood by the Roman government, although he continued to be an influential leader among the Jews.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: high priest, priest)
Annas, Annas'
Antioch was the name of two cities in the New Testament. One was in Syria, near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The other was in the Roman province of Pisidia, near the city of Colossae.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also:Barnabas, Colossae, John Mark, Paul, province, Rome, Syria)
Apollos was a Jew from the city of Alexandria in Egypt who had a special ability in teaching people about Jesus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aquila, Ephesus, Priscilla, word of God)
Apollos, Apollos'
Aquila was a Jewish Christian from the province of Pontus, a region along the southern coast of the Black Sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Apollos, Corinth, Rome)
Aquila, Aquila's
The Old Testament term "Arabah" often refers to a very large desert and plains region that includes the valley surrounding the Jordan River and extends south to the northern tip of the Red Sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: desert, Sea of Reeds, Jordan River, Canaan, Salt Sea, Egypt)
Arab, Arabian
Arabia is the largest peninsula in the world, covering nearly 3,000,000 square kilometers. It is located southeast of Israel, and is bordered by the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Esau, Galatia, Ishmael, Shem, Sinai)
Arab, Arabia, Arabian, Arabians
Aram of Damascus, Aramaic, Aramean
"Aram" was the name of two men in the Old Testament. It was also the name of a region northeast of Canaan, where modern-day Syria is located.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Mesopotamia, Paddan Aram, Rebekah, Shem, Syria)
Aram, Aram of Damascus, Aramaic, Aramean, Arameans
In the Bible, "Ararat" is the name given to a land, a kingdom, and a mountain range.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Artaxerxes was a king who reigned over the Persian empire from about 464 to 424 BC.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, cupbearer, Ezra, Nehemiah, Persia)
Artaxerxes, Artaxerxes'
Asa was a king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah for forty years, from 913 B.C. to 873 B.c.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Asa, Asa's
Asaph was a Levite priest and gifted musician who composed the music for the psalms of King David. He also wrote his own psalms.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: descendant, harp, lute, prophet, psalm, trumpet)
Asaph, Asaph's
Ashdod was one of the five most important cities of the Philistines. It was located in southwestern Canaan near the Mediterranean Sea, halfway between the cities of Gaza and Joppa.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Joppa, Philip, Philistines)
Ashdod, Azotus
Asher was the eighth son of Jacob. His descendants formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel and this tribe was also called "Asher."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Israel, twelve tribes of Israel)
Asher, Asher's
Asherah pole, Ashtoreth
Asherah was the name of a goddess that was worshiped by Canaanite people groups during Old Testament times. "Ashtoreth" may be another name for "Asherah," or it could be the name of a different goddess that was very similar.
(See also: false god, Baal, Gideon, image, Solomon)
Asherah, Asherah pole, Asherah poles, Asherahs, Ashtoreth, Ashtoreths
In Bible times, Ashkelon was a major Philistine city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It still exists in Israel today.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ashdod, Canaan, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Philistines, Mediterranean)
In Bible times, "Asia" was the name of a province of the Roman Empire. It was located in the western part of what is now the country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Rome, Paul, Ephesus)
Ashur, Assyrian, Assyrian Empire
Assyria was a powerful nation during the time the Israelites were living in the land of Canaan. The Assyrian Empire was a group of nations ruled by an Assyrian king.
(See also: Samaria)
Ashur, Assyria, Assyrian, Assyrian Empire, Assyrians
Athaliah was the evil wife of Jehoram king of Judah. She was the granddaughter of the evil King Omri of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaziah, Jehoram, Joash, Omri)
Azariah was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Jeremiah, Uzziah)
Azariah, Azariah's
"Baal" means "lord" or "master" and was the name of the primary false god that was worshiped by the Canaanites.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Asherah, Elijah, false god, prostitute, Yahweh)
Baal, Baal's
Baasha was one of Israel's evil kings, who influenced the Israelites to worship idols.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Baasha, Baasha's
Babel was a chief city in a region called Shinar in the southern part of Mesopotamia. Shinar was later called Babylonia.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Ham, Mesopotamia)
Babel, Babel's
Babylonia, Babylonian
The city of Babylon was the capital of the ancient region of Babylonia, which was also part of the Babylonian Empire.
(See also: Babel, Chaldea, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar)
Babylon, Babylon's, Babylonia, Babylonian, Babylonians
Balaam was a pagan prophet whom King Balek hired to curse Israel while they were camped at the Jordan River in northern Moab, preparing to enter the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: bless, Canaan, curse, donkey, Euphrates River, Jordan River, Midian, Moab, Peor)
Balaam, Balaam's
Barabbas was a prisoner in Jerusalem at the time when Jesus was arrested.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Barabbas, Barabbas'
Barnabas was one of the early Christians who lived during the time of the apostles.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Christian, Cyprus, good news, Levite, Paul)
Barnabas, Barnabas'
Bartholomew was one of Jesus' twelve apostles.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, good news, Holy Spirit, miracle, Pentecost, the twelve)
Bartholomew, Bartholomew's
Baruch is the name of several men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: disciple, Jeremiah, Jerusalem, Nehemiah, prophet)
Baruch, Baruch's
Bashan was a region of land east of the Sea of Galilee. It covered an area that is now part of Syria and the Golan Heights.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Egypt, oak, Sea of Galilee, Syria)
Bashan, Bashan's
Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah, a soldier in King David's army. After Uriah's death, she became the wife of David, and the mother of Solomon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, Solomon. Uriah)
Bathsheba, Bathsheba's
Beelzebul is another name for Satan, or the devil. It is also sometimes spelled, "Beelzebub."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: demon, Ekron, Satan)
Beelzebul, Beelzebul's
In Old Testament times, Beersheba was a city located about 45 miles southwest of Jerusalem in a desert area that is now called the Negev.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abimelech, Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael, Jerusalem, oath)
Benaiah was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
(See also: Asaph, Jehoiada, Levite, Solomon)
Benaiah, Benaiah's
Benjamin was the youngest son born to Jacob and his wife Rachel. His name means, "son of my right hand."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Israel, Jacob, Joseph (OT), Paul, Rachel, twelve tribes of Israel)
Benjamin, Benjamin's, Benjamite, Benjamites
In New Testament times, Berea (or Beroea) was a prosperous Greek city in southeast Macedonia, about 80 kilometers south of Thessalonica.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Macedonia, Paul, Silas, Thessalonica)
Beth Shemesh was the name of a Canaanite city approximately 30 kilometers west of Jerusalem.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: ark of the covenant, Canaan, Jerusalem, Joshua, Levite, Philistines)
Beth Shemesh
The town of Bethany was located at the base of the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, about 2 miles east of Jerusalem.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jericho, Jerusalem, Lazarus, Martha, Mary (sister of Martha), Mount of Olives)
Bethel was a city located just north of Jerusalem in the land of Canaan. It was formerly called "Luz."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, altar, Jacob, Jerusalem)
Bethlehem was a small city in the land of Israel, near the city of Jerusalem. It was also known as "Ephrathah," which was probably its original name.
(See also: Caleb, David, Micah)
Bethuel was the son of Abraham's brother Nahor.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Beersheba, Laban, Nahor, Rebekah)
Bethuel, Bethuel's
Boaz was an Israelite man who was the husband of Ruth, the great grandfather of King David, and an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Moab, redeem, Ruth)
Boaz, Boaz's
the emperor
The term "Caesar" was the name or title used by many of the rulers of the Roman Empire. In the Bible, this name refers to three different Roman rulers.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Caesar, Caesar's, the emperor
Caesarea Philippi
Caesarea was an important city on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, about 39 km south of Mount Carmel. Caesarea Philippi was a city located in the northeastern part of Israel, near Mount Hermon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Caesar, Gentile, the sea, Carmel, Mount Hermon, Rome, Tarsus)
Caesarea, Caesarea Philippi
Caiaphas was the high priest of Israel during the time of John the Baptist and Jesus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Annas, high priest)
Caiaphas, Caiaphas'
Cain and his younger brother Abel were the first sons of Adam and Eve mentioned in the Bible.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Cain, Cain's
Caleb was one of the twelve Israelite spies whom Moses sent to explore the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Caleb, Caleb's
Cana was a village or town in the province of Galilee, located about nine miles north of Nazareth.
(See also: Capernaum, Galilee, the twelve)
Canaan was the son of Ham, who was one of Noah's sons. The Canaanites were the descendants of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ham, Promised Land)
Canaan, Canaanite, Canaanites
Capernaum was a fishing village on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Galilee, Sea of Galilee)
Carmelite, Mount Carmel
"Mount Carmel" refers to a mountain range that was located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea just north of the Plain of Sharon. Its highest peak is 546 meters high.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Baal, Elijah, Judah, Salt Sea)
Carmel, Carmelite, Mount Carmel
Chaldea was a region in the southern part of Mesopotamia or Babylonia. The people who lived in this region were called Chaldeans.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Babylon, Shinar, Ur)
Chaldea, Chaldean, Chaldeans, Chaldeans'
Cilicia was a small Roman province located in the southeastern part of what is now the modern-day country of Turkey. It borders the Aegean Sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Paul, Stephen, Tarsus)
The term "city of David" can refer to the city of Jerusalem, part of Jerusalem, or Bethlehem.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, Bethlehem, Jerusalem)
city of David
Colossae, Colossians
In New Testament times, Colossae was a city located in the Roman province of Phrygia, an area of land that is now southwestern Turkey. The Colossians were the people who lived in Colossae.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Colossae, Colossians
Corinth, Corinthians
Corinth was a city in the country of Greece, about 50 miles west of Athens. The Corinthians were the people who lived at Corinth.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Apollos, Timothy, Titus)
Corinth, Corinthians
Cornelius was a Gentile, or non-Jewish man, who was a military officer in the Roman army.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, believe, Gentile, good news, Greek, centurion)
Cornelius, Cornelius'
Crete is an island that is located off the southern coast of Greece. A "Cretan" is someone who lives on this island.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Cretan, Cretans, Crete
Cush was the oldest son of Noah's son Ham. He was also the ancestor of Nimrod. Two of his brothers were named Egypt and Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Arabia, Canaan, Egypt, Ethiopia)
Cush, Cushite, Cushites
Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, about 64 kilometers south of the modern-day country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Barnabas, John Mark, the sea)
Cyrene was a Greek city on the north coast of Africa on the Mediterranean Sea, directly south of the island of Crete.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Crete)
Cyrene, Cyrenians
Cyrus was a Persian king who founded the Persian empire in about 550 BC, through military conquest. In history he was also known as Cyrus the Great.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Daniel, Darius, Ezra, Nehemiah, Persia)
Cyrus, Cyrus'
Damascus is the capital city of the country of Syria. It is still in the same location as it was in Bible times.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, Assyria, believe, Syria)
Dan was the fifth son of Jacob and was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.The region settled by the tribe of Dan in the northern part of Canaan also was given this name.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Jerusalem, twelve tribes of Israel)
Dan, Dan's, Danite, Danites
Daniel was an Israelite prophet who as a young man was taken captive by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar)
Daniel, Daniel's
Darius was the name of several kings of Persia. It is possible that "Darius" was a title rather than a name.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Persia, Babylon, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah)
Darius, Darius'
David was the second king of Israel and he loved and served God. He was the main writer of the book of Psalms.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Goliath, Philistines, Saul (OT))
David, David's
Delilah was a Philistine woman who was loved by Samson, but was not his wife.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: bribe, Philistines, Samson)
Delilah, Delilah's
garden of Eden
In ancient times, Eden was a region that had a garden where God placed the first man and woman to live.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Adam, Euphrates River, Eve)
Eden, garden of Eden
Edomite, Idumea
Edom was another name for Esau. The region where he lived also became known as "Edom" and later, "Idumea." The "Edomites" were his descendants.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: adversary, birthright, Esau, Obadiah, prophet)
Edom, Edom's, Edomite, Edomites, Idumea
Egypt is a country in the northeast part of Africa, to the southwest of the land of Canaan. An Egyptian is a person who is from the country of Egypt.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Herod the Great, Joseph (NT), Nile River, patriarchs)
Egypt, Egypt's, Egyptian, Egyptians, Egyptians'
Ekron was a major city of the Philistines, located nine miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaziah, ark of the covenant, Ashdod, Beelzebul, false god, Gath, Philistines)
Ekron, Ekronites
Elam was a son of Shem and a grandson of Noah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Elam, Elamites
Eleazar was the name of several men in the Bible.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aaron, high priest, David, mighty)
Eleazar, Eleazar's
Eliakim was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Hezekiah, Jehoiakim, Josiah, Pharaoh)
Eliakim, Eliakim's
Elijah was one of the most important prophets of Yahweh. Elijah prophesied during the reigns of several kings of Israel and Judah, including King Ahab.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: miracle, prophet, Yahweh)
Elijah, Elijah's
Elisha was a prophet in Israel during the reigns of several kings of Israel: Ahab, Ahaziah, Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Jehoash.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Elijah, Naaman, prophet)
Elisha, Elisha's
Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. Her husband's name was Zechariah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: John (the Baptist), Zechariah (NT))
Elizabeth, Elizabeth's
En Gedi was the name of a city in the wilderness of Judah southeast of Jerusalem.
(See also: David, desert, fountain, Judah, rest, Salt Sea, Saul (OT), stronghold, vineyard)
En Gedi
Enoch was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Enoch, Enoch's
Ephesus was an ancient Greek city on the west coast of what is now the present-day country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asia, Paul, Timothy)
Ephesian, Ephesians, Ephesus
Ephraim was the second son of Joseph. His descendants, the Ephraimites, formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: kingdom of Israel, twelve tribes of Israel)
Ephraim, Ephraim's, Ephraimite, Ephraimites
Ephrath, Ephrathite
Ephrathah was the name of a city and region in the northern part of Israel. The city of Ephrathah was also called "Ephrath," and later it was called "Bethlehem" and "Ephrathah-Bethlehem."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, Caleb, David, Israel)
Ephrath, Ephrathah, Ephrathite, Ephrathites
Esau was one of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. He was the first baby born to them. His twin brother was Jacob.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Edom, Isaac, Jacob, Rebekah)
Esau, Esau's
Esther was a Jewish woman who became queen of the Persian kingdom during the time of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, Mordecai, Persia)
Esther, Esther's
Ethiopia is a country in Africa located just south of Egypt, bordered by the Nile River to the west and by the Red Sea to the east. A person from Ethiopia is an "Ethiopian."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Cush, Egypt, eunuch, Philip)
Ethiopia, Ethiopian
Euphrates River, the River
The Euphrates is the name of one of the four rivers that flowed through the Garden of Eden. It is the river that is most often mentioned in the Bible.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Euphrates, Euphrates River, the River
This was the name of the first woman. Her name means "life" or "living."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Eve, Eve's
Ezekiel was a prophet of God during the exile period when many Jews were taken to Babylon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Christ, exile, prophet)
Ezekiel, Ezekiel's
Ezra was an Israelite priest and expert in Jewish law who recorded the history of the Israelites' return to Jerusalem from Babylon where Israel had been held captive for 70 years.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, exile, Jerusalem, law, Nehemiah, temple)
Ezra, Ezra's
Gabriel is the name of one of God's angels. He is mentioned by name several times, in both the Old and New Testaments.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: angel, Daniel, Elizabeth, John (the Baptist), Mary, prophet, Son of God, Zechariah (NT))
Gabriel, Gabriel's
Gad was one of the sons of Jacob. Jacob was also named Isreal.
(Translation suggestions:https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: census, prophet, twelve tribes of Israel)
Gad, Gadite, Gadites, Gad's
In New Testament times, Galatia was a large Roman province located in the central part of what is now the country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asia, believe, Cilicia, good news, Paul, works)
Galatia, Galatians
Galilee was the most northern region of Israel, just north of Samaria. A "Galilean" was a person who lived in Galilee or who lived in Galilee.
(See also: Nazareth, Samaria, Sea of Galilee)
Galilee, Galilean, Galileans
Gath was one of the five major cities of the Philistines. It was located north of Ekron and east of Ashdod and Ashkelon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gaza, Goliath, Philistines)
Gath, Gittite, Gittites
During Bible times, Gaza was a prosperous Philistine city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, about 38 kilometers south of Ashdod. It was one of the Philistines' five major cities.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ashdod, Philip, Philistines, Ethiopia, Gath)
Gaza, Gazites
Gerar was a city and region in the land of Canaan, located southwest of Hebron and northwest of Beersheba.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abimelech, Beersheba, Hebron, Philistines)
During the time of King David, Geshur was a small kingdom located on the east side of the Sea of Galilee between the countries of Israel and Aram.
(See also: Absalom, Amnon, Aram, Sea of Galilee)
Geshur, Geshurites
Gethsemane was a garden of olive trees east of Jerusalem beyond the Kidron valley and near the Mount of Olives.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Judas Iscariot, Kidron Valley, Mount of Olives)
Gibeah was a city located north of Jerusalem and south of Bethel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Benjamin, Bethel, Jerusalem)
Gibeon was a city that was located about 13 kilometers northwest of Jerusalem. The people living in Gibeon were the Gibeonites.
(See also: Gilgal, Jericho, Jerusalem)
Gibeon, Gibeonite, Gibeonites
Gideon was an Israelite man whom God raised up to deliver the Israelites from their enemies.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Baal, Asherah, deliver, Midian, Yahweh)
Gideon, Gideon's
Gilead was the name of a mountainous region east of the Jordan river where the Israelite tribes of Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh lived.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Gad, Jephthah, Manasseh, Reuben, twelve tribes of Israel)
Gilead, Gileadite, Gileadites
Gilgal was a town north of Jericho and was the first place that the Israelites camped after crossing the Jordan River to enter Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Elijah, , Elisha, Jericho, Jordan River)
The Girgashites were a people group living near the Sea of Galilee in the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan , Ham, Noah)
"Golgotha" was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified. Its name comes from an Aramaic word that means "Skull" or "Place of the Skull."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, Mount of Olives)
Goliath was a very tall and very large soldier in the army of the Philistines who was killed by David.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, Philistines)
Goliath, Goliath's
Gomorrah was a city located in a fertile valley near Sodom, where Abraham's nephew Lot chose to live.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham , Babylon, Lot, Salt Sea, Sodom)
Goshen was the name of a fertile region of land located along the Nile River in the northern part of Egypt.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Egypt, famine, Moses, Nile River)
During New Testament times, Greece was a province in the Roman Empire.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Corinth, Gentile, Greek, Hebrew, Philippi, Thessalonica)
The term "Greek" refers to the language spoken in the country of Greece. It is also a person from the country of Greece. Greek was also spoken throughout the Roman Empire. The term "Grecian" means "Greek-speaking."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, Gentile, Greece, Hebrew, Rome)
Greek, Greeks, Grecian
Habakkuk was an Old Testament prophet who lived around the time that King Jehoiakim was reigning over Judah. The prophet Jeremiah was also alive during some of this time.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Jehoiakim, Jeremiah)
Habakkuk, Habakkuk's
Hagar was an Egyptian woman who was Sarai's personal slave.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, descendant, Ishmael, Sarah, servant)
Haggai was a prophet of Judah after the Jews returned home from being captives in Babylon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, Uzziah, Zechariah (OT))
Haggai, Haggai's
Ham was the second of Noah's three sons.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: ark, Canaan, dishonor, Noah)
Ham, Hamite, Hamites
Hamath Zobah, Hamathite, Lebo Hamath
Hamath was an important city in northern Syria, north of the land of Canaan. The Hamathites were descendants of Noah's son Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Canaan, Nebuchadnezzar, Syria, Zedekiah)
Hamath, Hamath Zobah, Hamathites, Lebo Hamath
Hamor was a Canaanite man living in the city of Shechem when Jacob and his family were living in nearby Sukkoth. He was a Hivite.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Hivite, Jacob, Shechem, Sukkoth)
Hamor, Hamor's
Hananiah was the name of several different men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Azariah, Babylon, Daniel, false prophet, Jeremiah, Mishael)
Hananiah, Hananiah's
Hannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel. She was one of two wives of Elkanah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Hannah, Hannah's
Haran was a younger brother of Abram and the father of Lot.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Caleb, Canaan, Levite, Lot, Terah, Ur)
Hebron was a city located in the high, rocky hills about 20 miles south of Jerusalem.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Absalom)
Hebron, Hebronites, Hebronites', Hebronite's, Hebron's
Mount Hermon is the name of the tallest mountain in Israel at the southern tip of the Lebanon mountain range.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Israel, Sea of Galilee, Syria)
Hermon, Mount Hermon, Senir
During most of Jesus' lifetime, Herod Antipas was the ruler of the part of the Roman Empire that included Galilee province.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: crucify, Herod the Great, John (the Baptist), king, Rome)
Herod, Herod Antipas
Herod the Great was ruling over Judea at the time Jesus was born. He was the first of several Edomite rulers named Herod who ruled over parts of the Roman Empire.
(See https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Herod Antipas, Judea, king, temple)
Herod, Herod the Great, Herod's
Herodias was the wife of Herod Antipas in Judea during the time of John the Baptist.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Herod Antipas, John (the Baptist))
Herodias, Herodias'
Hezekiah was the 13th king over the kingdom of Judah. He was a king who trusted and obeyed God.
(See also: Ahaz, Assyria, false god, Judah, Sennacherib)
Hezekiah, Hezekiah's
Hilkiah was the high priest during the reign of King Josiah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Eliakim, Hezekiah, high priest, Josiah, Judah, law, worship, Yahweh)
Hilkiah, Hilkiah's
The Hittites were descendants of Ham through his son Canaan. They became a large empire located in what is now Turkey and northern Palestine.
(See also: descendant, Esau, foreigner, Ham, mighty, Solomon, Uriah)
Hittite, Hittites
The Hivites were one of seven major people groups living in the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Hamor, Noah, Shechem)
Hivite, Hivites
Mount Horeb is another name for Mount Sinai, where God gave Moses the stone tablets with the ten commandments.
(See also: covenant, Israel, Moses, Sinai, Ten Commandments)
Hosea was a prophet of Israel who lived and prophesied about 750 years before the time of Christ.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaz, Hezekiah, Hoshea, Jeroboam, Jotham, Uzziah, Zechariah (OT))
Hosea, Hosea's
Hoshea was the name of a king of Israel and several other men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaz, Canaan, Ephraim, Hezekiah, Joshua, Moses)
Hoshea, Hoshea's
The expression "house of David" refers to the family or descendants of King David.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, descendant, house, Jesus, king)
house of David
Iconium was a city in the south central part of what is now the country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Barnabas, Lystra, stone)
Isaac was the only son of Abraham and Sarah. God had promised to give them a son even though they were very old.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, descendant, eternity, fulfill, Jacob, Sarah, twelve tribes of Israel)
Isaac, Isaac's
Isaiah was a prophet of God who prophesied during the reigns of four kings of Judah: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaz, Assyria, Christ, Hezekiah, Jotham, Judah, prophet, Uzziah)
Isaiah, Isaiah's
Related Words:
Ishmael was the son of Abraham and the Egyptian slave Hagar. There were several other men in the Old Testament named Ishmael.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Babylon, covenant, desert, Egypt, Hagar, Isaac, Nebuchadnezzar, Paran, Sarah)
Ishmael, Ishmaelite, Ishmaelites, Ishmael's
Issachar was the fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Leah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Gad, Manasseh, Naphtali, twelve tribes of Israel, Zebulun)
Issachar, Issachar's
Jacob was the younger twin son of Isaac and Rebekah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, deceive, Esau, Isaac, Israel, Rebekah, twelve tribes of Israel)
Jacob, Jacob's
James was a son of Mary and Joseph. He was one of Jesus' younger half-brothers.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, Christ, church, Judas the son of James, persecute)
James, the son of Alphaeus, was one of Jesus' twelve disciples. Jesus also called these men apostles.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, disciple, James (brother of Jesus), James (son of Zebedee), the twelve)
James son of Alphaeus
James, a son of Zebedee, was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He had a younger brother named John who was also one of Jesus' apostles.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, Elijah, James (brother of Jesus), James (son of Alphaeus), Moses)
James son of Zebedee, James
Japheth was one of Noah's three sons.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: ark, flood, Ham, Noah, Shem)
Japheth, Japheth's
The Jebusites were a people group living in the land of Canaan. They were descended from Ham's son Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Ham, Jerusalem, Melchizedek)
Jebus, Jebusite, Jebusites
Jehoiachin was a king who ruled over the kingdom of Judah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Jehoiakim, Judah, Manasseh)
Jehoiachin, Jehoiachin's
Jehoiada was a priest who helped hide and protect King Ahaziah's son Joash until he was old enough to be declared king.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaziah, Baal, Benaiah, Joash)
Jehoiada, Jehoiada's
Jehoiakim was an evil king who reigned over the kingdom of Judah, beginning around 608 B.C. He was King Josiah's son. His name was originally Eliakim.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Eliakim, Jeremiah, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar)
Jehoiakim, Jehoiakim's
"Jehoram" was the name of two kings in the Old Testament. Both kings were also known as "Joram."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Judah, kingdom of Israel, Obadiah)
Jehoram, Jehoram's
Jehoshaphat was the name of at least two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: altar, David, false god, Israel, Judah, priest, Solomon)
Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat's
Jehu was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Ahaziah, Baal, Elisha, Jehoshaphat, Jehu, Jezebel, Joram, Judah, Samaria)
Jehu, Jehu's
Jephthah was a warrior from Gilead who served as a judge over Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ammon, deliver, Ephraim, judge, vow)
Jephthah, Jephthah's
Jeremiah was a prophet of God in the kingdom of Judah. The Old Testament book of Jeremiah contains his prophecies.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Judah, prophet, rebel, suffer, well)
Jeremiah, Jeremiah's
Jericho was a powerful city in the land of Canaan. It was located just west of the Jordan River and just north of the Salt Sea.
(See also: Canaan, Jordan River, Joshua, miracle, Salt Sea)
Jericho, Jericho's
Jeroboam son of Nebat was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel around 900-910 BC. Another Jeroboam, son of King Jehoash, ruled over Israel about 120 years later.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: false god, kingdom of Israel, Judah, Solomon)
Jeroboam, Jeroboam's
Jerusalem was originally an ancient Canaanite city that later became the most important city in Israel. It is located about 34 kilometers west of the Salt Sea and just north of Bethlehem. It is still the capital city of Israel today.
(See also: Babylon, Christ, David, Jebusites, Jesus, Solomon, temple, Zion)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem's
Jesse was the father of King David and the grandson of Ruth and Boaz.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, descendant, fruit, Jesus, king, prophet, Ruth, twelve tribes of Israel)
Jesse, Jesse's
The names "Jethro" and "Reuel" both refer to the father of Moses' wife, Zipporah. There were also two other men named "Reuel" in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: captive, clan, desert, Egypt, Esau, miracle, Moses, desert)
Jethro, Reuel
Jezebel was the wicked wife of King Ahab of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Elijah, false god)
Jezebel, Jezebel's
Related Words:
Jezreel was an important Israelite city in the territory of the Issachar tribe, located southwest of the Salt Sea. A Jezreelite is a person from this city.
(See also: Ahab, Elijah, Issachar, Jezebel, palace, Salt Sea)
Jezreel, Jezreelite
Joab was an important military leader for King David throughout David's entire reign.
Joab, Joab's
Joash was the name of several men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaziah, altar, Benjamin, false god, Gideon, high places, false god)
Joash, Joash's
Job was a man who is described in the Bible as blameless and righteous before God. He is best known for persevering in his faith in God through times of terrible suffering.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Esau, flood, Jacob, Noah, people group)
Job, Job's
Joel was a prophet who probably lived during the reign of King Joash of Judah. There were also several other men in the Old Testament named Joel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Joash, Judah, Pentecost)
Joel, Joel's
John Mark, also known as "Mark," was one of the men who traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys. He is most likely the author of the Gospel of Mark.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
John Mark, John ... Mark, Mark
John was one of Jesus' twelve apostles and one of Jesus' closest friends.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, reveal, James (son of Zebedee), John (the Baptist), Zebedee)
John was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Since "John" was a common name, he is often called "John the Baptist" to distinguish him from the other people named John, such as the Apostle John.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: baptize, Zechariah (NT))
John the Baptist, Baptist, John the Baptist, John's
Jonah was a Hebrew prophet in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: disobey, Nineveh, turn)
Jonah, Jonah's
Jonathan was the name of at least ten men in the Old Testament. The name means "Yahweh has given."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abiathar, David, Moses, Jeremiah, priest, Saul (OT), scribe)
Jonathan, Jonathan's
In Bible times, the city of Joppa was an important commercial seaport located on the Mediterranean Sea, south of the Plain of Sharon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: the sea, Jerusalem, Sharon, Tarshish)
Joram son of Ahab was a king of Israel. He was also sometimes referred to as "Jehoram."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, David, Elijah, Hamath, Jehoram, kingdom of Israel, Judah, Obadiah, prophet)
Joram, Joram's
The Jordan River is a river that flows from north to south, and forms the eastern boundary of the land that was called Canaan.
(See also: Canaan, Salt Sea, Sea of Galilee)
Jordan River, Jordan
In the New Testament, one of the men named Joseph was Mary's husband. This Joseph was the husband of Jesus' mother Mary. Joseph raised Jesus as if Jesus were his son. Joseph was a righteous man who worked as a carpenter.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Christ, Galilee, Jesus, Nazareth, Son of God, virgin)
In the Old Testament, Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob and the first son of his mother Rachel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Joseph, Joseph's
There were several Israelite men named Joshua in the Bible. The most well-known is Joshua son of Nun who was Moses' helper and who later became an important leader of God's people.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Haggai, Jericho, Moses, Promised Land, Zechariah (OT))
Joshua, Joshua's
Josiah was a godly king who reigned over the kingdom of Judah for thirty-one years. He led the people of Judah to repent and worship Yahweh.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: false god, Judah, law, Passover, temple)
Josiah, Josiah's
In the Old Testament, there were three men with the name Jotham.
(See also: Abimelech, Ahaz, Gideon, Uzziah)
Jotham, Jotham's
Judah was one of Jacob's older sons. His mother was Leah. His descendants were called the "tribe of Judah."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jacob, Jew, Judah, Judea, twelve tribes of Israel)
Judah, Judah's
The tribe of Judah was the largest of the twelve tribes of Israel. The kingdom of Judah was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Judah, kingdom of Judah, language of Judah
Judas son of Simon Iscariot
Judas Iscariot was one of Jesus' apostles. He was the one who betrayed Jesus to the Jewish leaders.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, betray, Jewish leaders, Judas the son of James)
Judas ... Iscariot
Judas son of James was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. Note that he was not the same man as Judas Iscariot.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Judas Iscariot, son, the twelve)
Judas son of James
The term "Judea" refers to an area of land in ancient Israel. It is sometimes used in a narrow sense and other times in a broad sense.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Galilee, Edom, Judah, Judah, Samaria)
The names Kadesh, Kadesh-Barnea, and Meribah Kadesh all refer to an important city in Israel's history which was located in the southern part of Israel, near the region of Edom.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: desert, Edom, holy)
Kadesh, Kadesh-Barnea, Meribah Kadesh
Kedar was Ishmael's second son. It was also an important city, which was probably named after the man.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Arabia, goat, Ishmael, sacrifice)
Kedesh was a Canaanite city that was taken over by the Israelites when they entered the land of Canaan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Hebron, Levite, Naphtali, priest, refuge, Shechem, twelve tribes of Israel)
The Kerethites were a people group who were probably part of the Philistines. Some versions write this name as "Cherethites."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Absalom, Benaiah, David, Philistines)
The Kidron Valley is a deep valley just outside the city of Jerusalem, between its eastern wall and the Mount of Olives.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Absalom, Asa, Athaliah, David, false god, Hezekiah, high places, Josiah, Judah, Mount of Olives)
Kidron Valley, Kidron
House of Israel
What had been the northern part of the nation of Israel became the kingdom of Israel when the twelve tribes of Israel were divided into two kingdoms after Solomon died.
(See also: Assyria, Israel, Judah, Jerusalem, kingdom, Samaria)
kingdom of Israel, house of Israel
Korah was the name of three men in the Old Testament.
(See also: Aaron, authority, Caleb, descendant, Esau, Judah, priest)
Korah, Korahite, Korahites
In the Old Testament, Laban was the uncle and father-in-law of Jacob.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jacob, Nahor, Leah, Rachel)
Laban, Laban's
Lamech was the name of two men mentioned in the book of Genesis.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Lamech, Lamech's
Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, were special friends of Jesus. Jesus often stayed with them in their home in Bethany.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: beg, Jewish leaders, Martha, Mary, raise)
Lazarus, Lazarus'
Leah was one of Jacob's wives. She was the mother of ten of Jacob's sons and their descendants were ten of the twelve tribes of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jacob, Judah, Laban, Rachel, Rebekah, twelve tribes of Israel)
Leah, Leah's
Lebanon is a beautiful mountainous region located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, north of Israel. In Bible times this region was thickly wooded with fir trees, such as cedar and cypress.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: cedar, cypress, fir, Phoenicia)
Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, or Israel. The term "Levite" refers to a person who is a member of the Israelite tribe whose ancestor was Levi.
(See also: Matthew, priest, sacrifice, temple, twelve tribes of Israel)
Levi, Levite, Levites, Levitical, Levi's, Levite's, Levites'
The term "Leviathan" refers to a very large, extinct animal mentioned in the earliest writings of the Old Testament, the books of Job, Psalms, and Isaiah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Isaiah, Job, serpent)
Lot was Abraham's nephew.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Ammon, Haran, Moab, Sodom)
Lot, Lot's
Luke wrote two books of the New Testament: the gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Antioch, Paul, Syria)
Luke, Luke's
Lystra was a city in ancient Asia Minor that Paul visited on one of his missionary journeys. It was located in the region of Lycaonia, which is now in the modern-day country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: evangelist, Iconium, Timothy)
Maakah (or Maacah) was one of the sons of Abraham's brother Nahor. Other people in the Old Testament also had this name.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asa, Asherah, Nahor, Naphtali, twelve tribes of Israel)
Maakah, Maakah's
In New Testament times, Macedonia was a Roman province located just north of ancient Greece.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: believe, Berea, faith, good news, Greece, Philippi, Thessalonica)
Macedonia, Macedonians
In general, a "maker" is someone who creates or makes things.
(See also: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
formed, make, Maker, makes, made
Malachi was one of God's prophets to the kingdom of Judah. He lived around 500 years before Christ was on earth.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, captive, Ezra, Judah, Nehemiah, prophet, repent, turn)
Malachi, Malachi's
The expression "man of God" is a respectful way of referring to a prophet of Yahweh. It is also used to refer to an angel of Yahweh.
(See also: angel, honor, prophet)
man of God
There were five men by the name of Manasseh in the Old Testament:
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: altar, Dan, Ephraim, Ezra, false god, Jacob, Judah, pagan, twelve tribes of Israel)
Manasseh, Manassites, Manasseh's
Martha was a woman from Bethany who followed Jesus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Lazarus, Mary (sister of Martha))
Martha, Martha's
Mary was a young woman living in the city of Nazareth who was pledged to be married to a man named Joseph. God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Cana, Egypt, Herod the Great, Jesus, Joseph (NT), Son of God, virgin)
Mary, the mother of Jesus
Mary Magdalene was one of several women who believed in Jesus and followed him in his ministry. She was known as the one whom Jesus had healed from seven demons who had controlled her.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: demon, demon-possessed)
Mary ... Magdalene
Mary was a women from Bethany who followed Jesus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethany, frankincense, Lazarus, Martha)
Matthew was one of the twelve men that Jesus chose to be his apostles. He was also known as Levi son of Alphaeus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, Levite, tax collector)
Matthew, Levi
Media was an ancient empire located east of Assyria and Babylonia, and north of Elam and Persia. The Medes were the people who lived in the empire of Media.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Assyria, Babylon, Cyrus, Daniel, Darius, Elam, Persia)
Madai, Mede, Medes, Media
During the time when Abram lived, Melchizedek was the king of the city of Salem (later "Jerusalem")
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, everlasting, high priest, Jerusalem, Levite, priest, righteous)
Melchizedek, Melchizedek's
Memphis was an ancient capital city in Egypt, along the Nile River.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Egypt, Nile River)
Meshech is the name of two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Japheth, Noah, Shem)
Related Words:
Aram Naharaim
Mesopotamia is the area of land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Its location is in the region of the modern day country of Iraq.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, Babylon, Chaldea, Euphrates River)
Mesopotamia, Aram Naharaim
Micah was a prophet of Judah around 700 years before Christ, when the prophet Isaiah was also ministering to Judah. Another man named Micah lived during the time of the judges.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Assyria, Dan, Ephraim, false god, Isaiah, Judah, judge, Levite, priest, prophet, Samaria, silver)
Micah, Micah's
Michael is the chief of all God's holy, obedient angels. He is the only angel who is specifically referred to as the "archangel" of God.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: angel, Daniel, messenger, Persia)
Michael, Michael's
Midian was a son of Abraham and his wife Keturah. Midian was also the name of a people group and region located in the northern Arabian Desert to the south of the land of Canaan. The people of that group were called "Midianites."
(See also Arabia, Egypt, flock, Gideon, Jethro, Moses)
Midian, Midianite, Midianites, Midian's
Miriam was the older sister of Aaron and Moses.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aaron, Cush, intercede, Moses, Nile River, Pharaoh, rebel)
Miriam, Miriam's
Mishael is the name of three men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aaron, Azariah, Babylon, Daniel, Hananiah)
Mishael, Mishael's
Mizpah is the name of several towns mentioned in the Old Testament. It means, "look-out point" or "watchtower."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, Judah, kingdom of Israel, Moab, Saul (OT))
Moab was the son of Lot's elder daughter. Moab also became the name of the land where Moab and his family lived. The term "Moabite" refers to a person who is descended from Moab or who lives in the country of Moab.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethlehem, Judea, Lot, Ruth, Salt Sea)
Moab, Moabite, Moabites, Moabitess, Moab's
Molech was the name of one of the false gods that the Canaanites worshiped. Other spellings are "Moloch" and "Molek."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, evil, false god, God, false god, sacrifice, true, worship, Yahweh)
Mordecai was a Jewish man living in the country of Persia. He was the guardian of his cousin Esther, who later became the wife of the Persian king, Xerxes.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Xerxes, Babylon, Esther, Persia)
Mordecai, Mordecai's
Moses was a prophet and leader of the Israelite people for over 40 years.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Miriam, Promised Land, Ten Commandments)
Moses, Moses'
The Mount of Olives is a mountain or large hill located near the east side of the city of Jerusalem. It is about 787 meters high.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Gethsemane, olive)
Mount of Olives, mountain that is called Olives
In the Old Testament, Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of Aram.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, Jordan River, leprosy, prophet)
Naaman, Naaman's
Nahor was the name of two relatives of Abraham, his grandfather and his brother.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Nahor, Nahor's
Nahum was a prophet who preached during the time when the evil King Manasseh was ruling over Judah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Assyria, Manasseh, prophet, Nineveh)
Nahum, Nahum's
Naphtali was the sixth son of Jacob. His descendants formed the tribe of Naphtali, which was one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asher, Dan, Jacob, Sea of Galilee, twelve tribes of Israel)
Naphtali, Naphtali's
Nathan was a faithful prophet of God who lived while David was king over Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: David, faithful, prophet, Uriah)
Nathan, Nathan's
Nazareth is a town in the region of Galilee in northern Israel. It is about 100 kilometers north of Jerusalem, and it took about three to five days to travel on foot.
(See also: Christ, Galilee, Joseph (NT), Mary)
Nazareth, Nazarene
Nebuchadnezzar was a king of the Babylonian Empire whose powerful army conquered many people groups and nations.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: arrogant, Azariah, Babylon, Hananiah, Mishael)
Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar's
The Negev is a desert region in the southern part of Israel, southwest of the Salt Sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Beersheba, Israel, Judah, Kadesh, Salt Sea, Simeon)
Nehemiah was an Israelite forced to move to the Babylonian empire when the people of Israel and Judah were taken captive by the Babylonians.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Artaxerxes, Babylon, Jerusalem, son)
Nehemiah, Nehemiah's
River of Egypt
The Nile is a very long and wide river in northeastern Africa. It is especially well known as the main river of Egypt.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Egypt, Goshen, Moses)
Nile River, River of Egypt, the Nile
Nineveh was the capital city of Assyria. A "Ninevite" was a person who lived in Nineveh.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Assyria, Jonah, repent, turn)
Nineveh, Ninevite, Ninevites
Noah was a man who lived over 4,000 years ago, at the time when God sent a worldwide flood to destroy all the evil people in the world. God told Noah to build a gigantic ark in which he and his family could live while the flood waters covered the earth.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: descendant, ark)
Noah, Noah's
Obadiah was an Old Testament prophet who prophesied against the people of Edom, who were the descendants of Esau. There were also many other men named Obadiah in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Babylon, David, Edom, Esau, Ezekiel, Daniel, Gad, Jehoshaphat, Josiah, Levite, Saul (OT), Zedekiah)
Obadiah, Obadiah's
Omri was an army commander who became the sixth king of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Israel, Jeroboam, Tirzah)
Omri, Omri's
Paddan Aram was the name of a region where Abraham's family lived before moving to the land of Canaan. It means "plain of Aram."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Aram, Bethuel, Canaan, Haran, Jacob, Laban, Rebekah, Syria)
Paddan Aram, Paddan
Paran was a desert or wilderness area east of Egypt and south of the land of Canaan. There was also a Mount Paran, which may have been another name for Mount Sinai.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, desert, Egypt, Kadesh, Sinai)
Paul was a leader of the early church who was sent by Jesus to take the good news to many other people groups.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: christian, jewish leaders, rome)
Paul, Saul, Paul's
Baal Peor, Beth Peor, Mount Peor
The terms "Peor" and "Mount Peor" refer to a mountain located northeast of the Salt Sea, in the region of Moab.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Baal, false god, Moab, Salt Sea, worship)
Baal Peor, Beth Peor, Mount Peor, Peor,
​The Perizzites were one of several people groups in the land of Canaan. Little is known about this group as to who their ancestors were or what part of Canaan they lived in.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Perizzite, Perizzites
Persia was a country that also became a powerful empire founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC. The country of Persia was located southeast of Babylonia and Assyria in a region that is now the modern-day country of Iran.
(See also: Xerxes, Artaxerxes, Assyria, Babylon, Cyrus, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah)
Persia, Persian, Persians
Cephas, Simon
Peter was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was an important leader of the early Church.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Peter, Simon Peter, Cephas, Simon son of Jonah, Simon, Simon's
In ancient times, the kings who ruled over the country of Egypt were called pharaohs.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Pharaoh, king of Egypt, Pharaoh's
In the early Christian church in Jerusalem, Philip was one of seven leaders chosen to care for the poor and needy Christians, especially the widows.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Philip)
Philip, Philip the evangelist
Philip the apostle was one of the original twelve disciples of Jesus. He was from the town of Bethsaida.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Philip)
Philip, Philip the apostle, the apostle Philip
Philippi was a major city and Roman colony located in Macedonia in the northern part of ancient Greece. The people of Philippi were called "Philippians."
(See also: Caesarea, Christian, church, Macedonia, Paul, Silas)
Philippi, Philippians
Philistia is the name of a large region in the land of Canaan, located along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
(See also: Philistines, Gaza, Joppa)
The Philistines were a people group who occupied a region known as Philistia​ along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Their name means "people of the sea."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ashdod, Ashkelon, David, Ekron, Gath, Gaza, Goliath, Salt Sea)
Philistines, Philistine, Philistines', Philistine's
Phineas was the name of two men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: ark of the covenant, Jordan River, Midian, Philistines, Samuel)
Phinehas, Phinehas'
In ancient times, Phoenicia was a wealthy nation located in Canaan along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, north of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: cedar, purple, Sidon, Tyre)
Phoenicia, Syrophoenician
Pilate was the governor of the Roman province of Judea who sentenced Jesus to death.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: crucify, governor, guilt, Judea, Rome)
Pilate, Pontius Pilate
Pontus was a Roman province during the time of the Roman Empire and the early Church. It was located along the southern coast of the Black Sea, in the northern part of what is now the country of Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Potiphar was an important official for the pharaoh of Egypt during the time that Joseph was sold as a slave to some Ishmaelites.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Egypt, Joseph (OT), Pharaoh)
Potiphar, Potiphar's
Priscilla and her husband Aquila were Jewish Christians who worked with the apostle Paul in his missionary work. She was also known as Prisca.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: believe, Christian, Corinth, Ephesus, Paul, Rome, Syria)
Priscilla, Prisca
Rabbah was the most important city of the Ammonite people.
Rachel was one of Jacob's wives. She and her sister Leah were the daughters of Laban, Jacob's uncle.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethlehem, Jacob, Laban, Leah, Joseph (OT), twelve tribes of Israel)
Rachel, Rachel's
Rahab was a woman who lived in Jericho when Israel attacked the city. She was a prostitute.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Israel, Jericho, prostitute)
Ramah was an ancient Israelite city located about 8 km from Jerusalem. It was in the region where the tribe of Benjamin lived.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Benjamin, twelve tribes of Israel)
Ramoth was an important city in the mountains of Gilead near the Jordan River. It was also called Ramoth Gilead.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Ahaziah, Aram, Gad, Jehoshaphat, Jehu, Joram, Jordan River, Judah, refuge)
Rebekah was a grand-daughter of Abraham's brother Nahor.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Aram, Esau, Isaac, Jacob, Nahor, Negev)
Rebekah, Rebekah's
Rehoboam was one of the sons of King Solomon, and he became the king of the nation of Israel after Solomon died.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: kingdom of Israel, Judah, Solomon)
Rehoboam, Rehoboam's
Reuben was the firstborn son of Jacob. His mother was Leah. Reuben's descendants were called Reubenites.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jacob, Joseph (OT), Leah, twelve tribes of Israel)
Reuben, Reubenites, Reubenite, Reuben's
Rimmon was the name of a man and of several places mentioned in the Bible. It was also the name of a false god.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Benjamin, Judea, Naaman, Syria, Zebulun)
Rimmon, Rimmon's
In New Testament times, the city of Rome was the center of the Roman Empire. It is now the capital city of the modern-day country of Italy.
(See also: good news, the sea, Pilate, Paul)
Rome, Roman, Romans
Ruth was a Moabite woman who lived during the time when judges were leading Israel. She married an Israelite man in Moab after he had moved there with his family because of a famine during the time when judges were leading Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethlehem, Boaz, David, judge)
Ruth, Ruth's
The Salt Sea (also called the Dead Sea) is a lake in the Jordan River Valley. The Jordan River flows into the sea.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ammon, Arabah, , Jordan River, Moab, Negev)
Salt Sea, Dead Sea
Samaria was the name of a city and its surrounding region in the northern part of Israel. The Plain of Sharon is west of this region, and the Jordan River is east of this region. The people of Samaria were called Samaritans.
(See also: Assyria, Galilee, Judea, Sharon, kingdom of Israel)
Samaria, Samaria's, Samaritan, Samaritans
Samson was one of the judges, or deliverers, of Israel. He was from the tribe of Dan.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: deliver, Philistines, twelve tribes of Israel)
Samson, Samson's
Samuel was a prophet and the last judge of Israel. He anointed both Saul and David as kings over Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Hannah, judge, prophet, Yahweh)
Samuel, Samuel's
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Sarah, Sarah's, Sarai
Saul was an Israelite man whom God chose to become the first king of Israel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: king)
Saul, Saul's
The "Sea of Galilee" is a lake in eastern Israel. It was also referred to as the "Sea of Tiberias" and the "lake of Gennesaret." In the Old Testament it was called the "Sea of Kinnereth."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Capernaum, Galilee, Jordan River, Salt Sea)
Sea of Galilee, Sea of Kinnereth, lake of Gennesaret, Sea of Tiberias, Kinnereth
The "Sea of Reeds" was the name of a body of water located between Egypt and Arabia. It is now called the "Red Sea."
(See also: Arabia. Canaan, Egypt)
Sea of Reeds, Red Sea
Sennacherib was a powerful king of Assyria who caused Nineveh to become a rich, important city.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Assyria, Babylon, Hezekiah, Judah, mock, Nineveh)
Sennacherib, Sennacherib's
In the book of Genesis, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abel, Cain, call, descendant, ancestor, flood, Noah)
Seth, Seth's
Sharon was the name of a flat, fertile area of land along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, south of Mount Carmel. It is also known as the "Plain of Sharon."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Caesarea, Carmel, Joppa, the sea)
Sharon, Plain of Sharon, Lasharon
In ancient times, Sheba was an ancient civilization or region of land that was located somewhere in southern Arabia. The people of Sheba were called Sabeans.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Arabia, Beersheba, Ethiopia, Solomon)
Sheba, Sabeans
Shechem was a town in Canaan located about 40 miles north of Jerusalem. Shechem was also the name of a man in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: Hamor)
(See also: Canaan, Esau, Hamor, Hivite, Jacob)
Shechem, Shechem's
Shem was one of Noah's three sons, all of whom went with him into the ark during the worldwide flood described in the book of Genesis.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Arabia, ark, flood, Noah)
Shem, Shem's
Shiloh was a walled Canaanite city that was conquered by the Israelites under the leadership of Joshua.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bethel, dedicate, Hannah, Jerusalem, Jordan River, priest, sacrifice, Samuel, temple)
Shimei was the name of several men in the Old Testament. The descendants of Shimei were called Shemeites.
(See also: Absalom, Benjamin, Levite, priest)
Shimei, Shimeites, Shimei's
Shinar was the name of a plain or region in southern Mesopotamia.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Babel, Babylon, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, patriarchs, Ur)
Sidon was the oldest son of Canaan. There is also a Canaanite city called Sidon, probably named after Canaan's son.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Noah, Phoenicia, the sea, Tyre)
Sidon, Sidonians
Silas was a leader among the believers in Jerusalem. He was also known as Silvanus.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Antioch, Barnabas, Jerusalem, Paul, Philippi, prison, testimony)
Silas, Silvanus
In the Bible, there were several men named Simeon.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, Christ, dedicate, Jacob, Judah, temple)
Simeon, Simeon's, Simeonites
Simon the Zealot was one of Jesus' twelve disciples.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, disciple, the twelve)
Simon the Zealot, Simon ... Zealot
Mount Sinai is a mountain that was probably located in the southern part of what is now called the Sinai Peninsula. It was also known as "Mount Horeb."
(See also: desert, Egypt, Horeb, Promised Land, Ten Commandments)
Sinai, Mount Sinai
Sodom was a city in the southern part of Canaan where Abraham's nephew Lot lived with his wife and children.
Solomon was one of King David's sons. His mother was Bathsheba.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Bathsheba, David, Israel, Judah, kingdom of Israel, temple)
Solomon, Solomon's, King Solomon, King Solomon's
Stephen is most remembered as the first Christian martyr, that is, the first person to be killed because of his faith in Jesus. The facts about his life and death are recorded in the book of Acts.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: appoint, deacon, Jerusalem, Paul, stone, true)
Stephen, Stephen's
Sukkoth was the name of two Old Testament cities. The word "sukkoth" (some English versions say "succoth" or "Succoth") means "shelters."
Syria is a country located northeast of Israel. During the time of the New Testament, it was a province under the rule of the Roman Empire.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Aram, commander, Damascus, descendant, Elisha, leprosy, Naaman, persecute, prophet)
Syria, Syrian
Tamar was the name of several women in the Old Testament. It was also the name of several cities or other places in the Old Testament.
(See also: Absalom, ancestor, Amnon, David, ancestor, Judah, Salt Sea)
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
Tamar, Tamar's
Tarshish was the name of two men in the Old Testament. It was also the name of a city.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Esther, Japheth, Jonah, Nineveh, Phoenicia, wise men)
Tarsus was a prosperous city in the Roman province of Cilicia, in what is now south central Turkey.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Cilicia, Paul, province, the sea)
Terah was a descendant of Noah's son Shem. He was the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Canaan, Haran, Lot, Mesopotamia, Nahor, Sarah, Shem, Ur)
Genesis 11:31-32
Terah, Terah's
In the Bible, the "Great Sea" or "western sea" refers to what is now called the "Mediterranean Sea," which was the largest body of water known to the people of Bible times.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Israel, people group, prosper)
the sea, the Great Sea, the western sea, Mediterranean Sea
In New Testament times, Thessalonica was the capital city of Macedonia in the ancient Roman empire. The people living in that city were called the "Thessalonians."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Macedonia, Paul, Rome)
Thessalonica, Thessalonian, Thessalonians
Thomas was one of twelve men whom Jesus chose to be his disciples and later, apostles. He was also known as "Didymus," which means "twin."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: apostle, disciple, God the Father, the twelve)
Thomas, Thomas'
Timothy was a young man from Lystra. He later joined Paul on several missionary trips and helped shepherd new communities of believers.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: appoint, believe, church, Greek, minister)
Timothy, Timothy's
Tirzah was an important Canaanite city that was conquered by the Israelites. It was also the name of a daughter of Gilead, a descendant of Manasseh.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, inherit, kingdom of Israel, Manasseh, Shechem)
Titus was a Gentile. He was trained by Paul to be a leader in the early churches.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: appoint, believe, church, circumcise, Crete, elder, encourage, instruct, minister)
Titus, Titus'
The city of Troas was a seaport located on the northwest coast of the ancient Roman province of Asia.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asia, preach, province, raise, Rome, scroll, Timothy)
There were several men in the Old Testament who had the name "Tubal."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Cain, descendant, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Japheth, Lamech, people group, prophet)
Tychicus was one of Paul's fellow ministers of the gospel.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Asia, beloved, Colossae, Ephesus, faithful, good news, minister)
Tychicus, Tychicus'
Tyre was an ancient Canaanite city located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in a region that is now part of the modern-day country of Lebanon. Its people were called "Tyrians."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Canaan, cedar, Israel, the sea, Phoenicia, Sidon)
Tyre, Tyrians
Ur was an important city along the Euphrates River in the ancient region of Chaldea, which was part of Mesopotamia. This region was located in what is now the modern-day country of Iraq.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Abraham, Canaan, Chaldea, Euphrates River, Haran, Lot, Mesopotamia)
Uriah was a righteous man and one of King David's best soldiers. He is often referred to as "Uriah the Hittite."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahaz, Bathsheba, David, Hittite)
Uriah, Uriah's
Uzziah became king of Judah at the age of 16 and reigned 52 years, which was an unusually long reign. Uzziah was also known as "Azariah."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Azariah, Judah, king, leprosy, reign, watchtower)
Uzziah, Uzziah's
In the Old Testament book of Esther, Vashti was the wife of Xerxes, king of Persia.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Xerxes, Esther, Persia)
Vashti, Vashti's
Xerxes was a king who ruled over the ancient kingdom of Persia for twenty years.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, Esther, Ethiopia, exile, Persia)
Ahasuerus, Ahasuerus', Xerxes
Zacchaeus was a tax collector from Jericho who climbed a tree in order to be able to see Jesus who was surrounded by a large crowd of people.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: believe, promise, repent, sin, tax, tax collector)
Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus'
Zadok was the name of an important high priest in Israel during the reign of King David.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: ark of the covenant, David, Jotham, Nehemiah, reign, Solomon)
Zadok, Zadok's
Zebedee was a fisherman from Galilee who is known because of his sons, James and John, who were Jesus' disciples. They are often identified in the New Testament as the "sons of Zebedee."
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: disciple, fishermen, James (son of Zebedee), John (the apostle))
Zebedee, Zebedee's
Zebulun was the last son born to Jacob and Leah and is the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His descendants were called Zebulunites.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jacob, Leah, Salt Sea, twelve tribes of Israel)
Zebulun, Zebulunite, Zebulunites, Zebulun's
In the New Testament, Zechariah was a Jewish priest who became the father of John the Baptist.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Christ, Elizabeth, prophet)
Zechariah was a prophet who prophesied during the reign of King Darius I of Persia. The Old Testament book of Zechariah contains his prophecies, which urged the returning exiles to rebuild the temple.
(Translation Suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Darius, Ezra, Jehoshaphat, Jeroboam, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel)
Zechariah, Zechariah's
Zedekiah, son of Josiah, was the last king of Judah (597-587 B.C.). There are also several other men named Zedekiah in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Ahab, Babylon, Ezekiel, kingdom of Israel, Jehoiachin, Jeremiah, Josiah, Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, Nehemiah)
Zedekiah, Zedekiah's
Zephaniah, son of Cushi, was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem and prophesied during the reign of King Josiah. He lived during the same time period as Jeremiah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Jeremiah, Josiah, priest)
Zephaniah, Zephaniah's
Zerubbabel was the name of two Israelite men in the Old Testament.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Babylon, captive, Cyrus, Ezra, high priest, Jehoiakim, Joshua, Judah, Nehemiah, Persia, Zedekiah)
Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel's
Zoar was a small city where Lot fled when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
(Translation suggestions: https://read.bibletranslationtools.org/u/WA-Catalog/en_tm/jit.html#translate-names)
(See also: Lot, Sodom, Gomorrah)