Genesis 25

Genesis 25:1

What did Abraham do after his wife Sarah died?

Abraham took another wife named Keturah.

Genesis 25:5

How did Abraham distribute his wealth?

Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines, and gave all that he owned to Isaac.

Genesis 25:6

How did Abraham distribute his wealth?

Abraham gave gifts to the sons of his concubines, and gave all that he owned to Isaac.

Genesis 25:7

How many years did Abraham live?

Abraham lived one hundred seventy-five years.

Genesis 25:9

Who buried Abraham?

Both Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham.

Genesis 25:18

How did the twelve sons of Ishmael live with each other?

The twelve sons of Ishmael lived with each other in hostility.

Genesis 25:21

What did Isaac do because Rebekah was childless?

Isaac prayed to Yahweh for his wife, and Yahweh answered his prayer, and Rebekah conceived.

Genesis 25:23

What did Yahweh say concerning the two children struggling within Rebekah’s womb?

Yahweh said that there were two nations in her womb, one people stronger than the other, and that the older would serve the younger.

Genesis 25:25

Who was born first, and what did he look like?

Esau was born first, and he was red all over like a hairy garment.

Genesis 25:26

Who was born second, and what was he doing as he was born?

Jacob was born second, and he was grasping Esau’s heel as he was born.

Genesis 25:27

What kind of man was Esau?

Esau was a skillful hunter and a man of the field.

What kind of man was Jacob?

Jacob was a quiet man who spent his time in the tents.

Genesis 25:28

Who did Isaac love, and who did Rebekah love?

Isaac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob.

Genesis 25:30

What was another name for Esau?

Edom was another name for Esau.

Genesis 25:31

For what did Jacob ask in return for the red stew that Esau wanted to eat because he was starving?

Jacob asked for Esau’s birthright in return for the red stew.

Genesis 25:33

What was Esau’s response to Jacob’s offer?

Esau swore an oath and sold his birthright to Jacob.

Genesis 25:34

How was Esau treating his birthright when he responded in this way to Jacob’s offer?

Esau was despising his birthright when he responded to Jacob’s offer in this way.