Genesis 24

Genesis 24:2

What did Abraham make his oldest servant swear to do?

Abraham made his oldest servant swear that he would get a wife for Isaac from Abraham’s relatives.

Genesis 24:3

What did Abraham make his oldest servant swear to do?

Abraham made his oldest servant swear that he would get a wife for Isaac from Abraham’s relatives.

Genesis 24:4

What did Abraham make his oldest servant swear to do?

Abraham made his oldest servant swear that he would get a wife for Isaac from Abraham’s relatives.

Genesis 24:5

What did Abraham insist that the servant not do with Isaac?

Abraham insisted that the servant not take Isaac back to the land from which Abraham came.

Genesis 24:6

What did Abraham insist that the servant not do with Isaac?

Abraham insisted that the servant not take Isaac back to the land from which Abraham came.

Genesis 24:12

What did Abraham’s servant ask God to do in order to show him which woman God had chosen for Isaac?

The servant asked that the woman whom he asked to lower her pitcher to get a drink would do so and offer to water his camels also.

Genesis 24:13

What did Abraham’s servant ask God to do in order to show him which woman God had chosen for Isaac?

The servant asked that the woman whom he asked to lower her pitcher to get a drink would do so and offer to water his camels also.

Genesis 24:14

What did Abraham’s servant ask God to do in order to show him which woman God had chosen for Isaac?

The servant asked that the woman whom he asked to lower her pitcher to get a drink would do so and offer to water his camels also.

Genesis 24:15

What relation was Rebekah to Abraham?

Rebekah was the granddaughter of Nahor, Abraham’s brother.

Genesis 24:17

What did Rebekah do when Abraham’s servant asked for a drink of water?

Rebekah gave the servant a drink.

Genesis 24:18

What did Rebekah do when Abraham’s servant asked for a drink of water?

Rebekah gave the servant a drink.

Genesis 24:19

What did Rebekah say after she had finished giving the servant a drink?

After Rebekah finished giving the servant a drink she said, “I will draw water for your camels also, until they have finished drinking.”

Genesis 24:26

The servant worshipped Yahweh and blessed him.

Genesis 24:27

The servant worshipped Yahweh and blessed him.

Genesis 24:29

Who was Rebekah’s brother?

Laban was Rebekah’s brother.

Genesis 24:31

What did Laban do when he met Abraham’s servant?

Laban invited Abraham’s servant to stay at his house.

Genesis 24:33

What did Abraham’s servant insist on doing before he ate?

Abraham’s servant insisted on saying why he had come before he ate.

Genesis 24:40

How had Abraham said that Yahweh would prosper the servant’s way?

Abraham had said that Yahweh would send his angel with the servant to prosper his way.

Genesis 24:47

Abraham’s servant had given Rebekah a gold ring for her nose and bracelets for her arms.

Genesis 24:50

How did Laban and Bethuel answer Abraham’s servant when he asked them what they wanted to do regarding Rebekah?

Laban and Bethuel answered that the servant should take Rebekah and go, so that Rebekah could be the wife of Abraham’s son.

Genesis 24:51

How did Laban and Bethuel answer Abraham’s servant when he asked them what they wanted to do regarding Rebekah?

Laban and Bethuel answered that the servant should take Rebekah and go, so that Rebekah could be the wife of Abraham’s son.

Genesis 24:52

What did Abraham’s servant do when he heard the answer from Laban and Bethuel?

The servant bowed down to Yahweh and gave gifts to Rebekah and to her brother and mother.

Genesis 24:53

What did Abraham’s servant do when he heard the answer from Laban and Bethuel?

The servant bowed down to Yahweh and gave gifts to Rebekah and to her brother and mother.

Genesis 24:54

When they arose the next morning, what did Rebekah’s brother and mother want the servant to do?

When they arose the next morning, they wanted Abraham’s servant to stay with them for at least ten more days.

Genesis 24:55

When they arose the next morning, what did Rebekah’s brother and mother want the servant to do?

When they arose the next morning, they wanted Abraham’s servant to stay with them for at least ten more days.

Genesis 24:56

When Abraham’s servant said that he wanted to go immediately, what did Rebekah say that she wanted to do?

Rebekah said that she wanted to go with the servant.

Genesis 24:57

When Abraham’s servant said that he wanted to go immediately, what did Rebekah say that she wanted to do?

Rebekah said that she wanted to go with the servant.

Genesis 24:58

When Abraham’s servant said that he wanted to go immediately, what did Rebekah say that she wanted to do?

Rebekah said that she wanted to go with the servant.

Genesis 24:60

What blessing did Rebekah’s family give her as she left with Abraham’s servant?

Rebekah’s family blessed her that she might be the mother of thousands and ten thousands, and that her descendants might possess the gate of those who hate them.

Genesis 24:63

What was Isaac doing when Rebekah arrived at his home?

Isaac was out in the field meditating.

Genesis 24:64

What did Rebekah do when she saw Isaac?

When she saw Isaac, Rebekah jumped down from the camel and covered herself with her veil.

Genesis 24:65

What did Rebekah do when she saw Isaac?

When she saw Isaac, Rebekah jumped down from the camel and covered herself with her veil.

Genesis 24:67

What did Isaac do after Abraham’s servant recounted all the things that he had done?

Isaac brought Rebekah into his mother Sarah’s tent and took Rebekah as his wife.