Paul, who is da apostle uh Jesus, so da commandment uh God, our Saviour an' Jesus Christ, our hope, did say,
to Timothy who is a tru- tru son full uh grace an' mercy an' peace from God who is our Fadda an' Jesus Christ who is our Lord.
I did tell ya I was leavin' Macedonia, so stay in Ephesus to tell dem people don' change none uh God Word.
Tell dem don' pay no min' to dem stories cuz dese ga only cause people to row and mess up God plan, an' dat plan we know by fait.
Da goal uh dese laws 'pose to be from a good- good heart an' a good-good mind an' a trutful fait.
Da udda people dem turn away from God an' only talkin' fool.
Dese people wan teach da Law uh Moses but don' even undastan' what dey sayin'.
But at least we know da Law uh Moses good if we use it da right way.
We know dese laws een fa da good people. Dese fa da bad people who is kill dey mudda an' fadda an' kill udda people too, for da unruly an' people who don' know God an' who is ack vulgar.
Dese fa the gay people an' da people who is be sweetheartin' an' having sex when dey een even marry. Dis fa da people who is tief people an' make dem slaves. Dese fa da liars-dem an' da people who don' follow God instruction.
All dese instruction from da Gospel wa God gee me.
Tank Jesus, our Lord who strenten me an' who ga fait in me an' He put me here ta work fa Him.
I use to go against God, an' hurt dem Christians, an' I was one violen' man, but God did have mercy on me cuz I een know what I was doin'.
But God grace did bubble ova in me wit fait an' love, cuz uh Jesus Christ.
Jesus did come ta save all uh we who is sin. I use to be wors' dan all uh yall. Dis message from God is da real deal. Dis worty an' alla us should accep' dis.
Cuz uh dis, God did give me mercy so dat he cud show all da people how patient he is. He usin' me to show yall dat yall cud trus him fa-eva an' eva.
We gee honor an' glory fa-eva an' eva to da king. He is da immortal man, da one we cyan even see. Amen.
Timothy, my good chile, like da prophecies did say, I placin' dis command in ya han' so you cud fight da good fight
an' keep fait an' a good mind. Some people stop believin' dis an dey backslidin'.
Dem same Hymenaeus an' Alexander backslide an' I gee dem ta Satan so dey cud learn.