Genesis 4

Genesis 4:1

The man knew Eve

This is a polite way of saying that the man had sexual relations with Eve. You may need to use another euphemism in your language.

The man

"the human being" or "Adam"


Translators may want to include a footnote that says "The name Cain sounds like the Hebrew word that means 'produce.' Eve named him Cain because she produced him."

Genesis 4:2

Then she gave birth

We do not know how much time passed between the births of Cain and Abel. If possible, use an expression that does not tell how much time passed.

Genesis 4:3

in the course of time

Possible meanings are 1) "after some time had passed" or 2) "at the right time"

fruit of the ground

"crops" or "harvest"

Genesis 4:4

some of the fat

"some of their fat parts"


"looked favorably upon" or "was pleased with"

Genesis 4:5

did not accept

"did not look favorably upon" or "was not pleased with"

he scowled

This means that the expression on his face showed that he was angry or jealous.

Genesis 4:6

Why are you angry and why are you scowling?

God used these questions to tell Cain that he was wrong to be angry and scowl. They may also have been intended to give Cain an opportunity to confess that he was wrong.

Genesis 4:7

If you ... will you not be accepted?

"You know that if you do what is right, I will accept you"

But if you do not ... you must rule over it

"But if you do not do what is right, you will desire to sin even more, and then you will do sinful things. You must refuse to obey it"

sin crouches ... to control you

"you will become so angry that you will not be able to stop sin"


Languages that do not have a noun that means "sin" could translate this as "your desire to sin" or "the bad things you want to do."

you must rule over it

"you must control it so you do not sin"

Genesis 4:8

Cain spoke to Abel his brother.

"Cain said to Abel his brother, 'Let us go into the fields.'"


Abel was Cain's younger brother. Some languages may need to use the word for "younger brother."

rose up against


Genesis 4:9

Where is Abel your brother

God knew that Cain had killed Abel, but he asked Cain this question so that Cain would have to answer.

Am I my brother's keeper?

"I am not my brother's keeper!" or "You know that taking care of my brother is not my job!"

Genesis 4:10

What have you done?

"What you have done is terrible!"

Your brother's blood is calling out to me

"Your brother's blood is like a person calling out to me to punish the person who killed him"

Genesis 4:11

Now cursed are you from the ground

"I am cursing you so that you will not be able to grow food from the ground"

which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood

"which is soaked with your brother's blood"

from your hand

"that spilled when you killed him" or "from you"

Genesis 4:12

it will not yield to you its strength

"the ground will not produce much food for you"

A fugitive and a wanderer

"A homeless wanderer"

Genesis 4:14

I will be hidden from your face

"I will not be able to speak to you"

Genesis 4:15

vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold

"I will take vengeance on him seven times" or "I will punish that person seven times as severely as I am punishing you"

would not attack him

"would not kill Cain"

Genesis 4:16

went out from the presence of Yahweh

"went away from where Yahweh spoke to him"


Translators may add a footnote saying "The word Nod means 'wandering.'"

Genesis 4:17

Cain knew his wife

This is a polite way of saying that Cain had sexual relations with his wife. You may need to use another euphemism in your language.

He built a city

"Cain built a city"

Genesis 4:18

To Enoch was born Irad

"Enoch grew up and married and became the father of a son whom he named Irad"

Genesis 4:19

Adah ... Zillah

women's names

Genesis 4:20

He was the father of those who live in tents and have livestock

Possible meanings are 1) "He was the first person to live in a tent and have livestock" or 2) "his descendants live in tents and have livestock."

Genesis 4:21

He was the father of those who play the harp and pipe

Possible meanings are 1) "He was the first person to play the harp and pipe" or 2) "He and his descendants played the harp and pipe."

Genesis 4:22


the name of a man

the forger of tools of bronze and iron

"who made tools out of bronze and iron"


a very strong metal used to make tools and weapons.

Genesis 4:23

listen to my voice ... listen to my words

"listen carefully to me"

a man for wounding me, a young man for bruising me

"a young man because he hurt me"

Genesis 4:24

If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech

"Since God will punish anyone who kills Cain seven times, Lamech"

then Lamech will be avenged seventy-seven times

"whoever kills me, God will punish seventy-seven times"

Genesis 4:25

said, "God has given me another son

"explained, 'God has given me another child"


Translators may add a footnote that says "This name sounds like the Hebrew word that means 'has given.'"

Genesis 4:26

A son was born to Seth

"Seth's wife bore him a son"

to call on the name of Yahweh

"to worship God by using the name Yahweh"