Genesis 2

Genesis 2:1

the heavens

"the sky" or "the skies"

and all the living things that filled them

"and all the many living things that are in them" or "and all the crowds of living things in them"

were finished

"God had finished creating them"

Genesis 2:2

On the seventh day God came to the end of his work

God did not work at all on the seventh day.

he rested on the seventh day from all his work

"on that day he did not work"

Genesis 2:3

God blessed the seventh day

Possible meanings are 1) God caused the seventh day to produce good result or 2) God said that the seventh day was good.

sanctified it

"made it holy" or "set it apart"

Genesis 2:4

This is the account of the heavens and the earth

"This is the story about the heavens and the earth." Possible meanings are 1) it is a summary of the events described in Genesis 1:1-2:3 or 2) it introduces the events to follow. If possible, translate this so that people can understood it either way.

on the day that Yahweh God made

"when Yahweh God created." The word "day" refers to the whole time span of the creation, not to just one particular day.


This is the name of God that he revealed to his people in the Old Testament.

Genesis 2:5

No bush of the field

no shrubs growing in the wild that animals might eat

no plant of the field

no leafy plants like vegetables or greens that both animals and humans can eat

to cultivate

to do everything he needed to do so that the plants would grow well

Genesis 2:6


Possible meanings are 1) something like dew or morning fog or 2) springs from underground streams.

the whole surface of the ground

the entire earth

Genesis 2:7

formed man

"molded man" or "shaped man" or "created man"

man ... man

"a human being ... the human" or "a person ... the person" not specifically a male

his nostrils

"his nose"

breath of life

"breath that makes things live." Here "life" refers to physical life.

Genesis 2:8

a garden

This could have been an orchard of fruit trees or an area with all kinds of trees.

Genesis 2:9

the tree of life

"the tree that gives people life"


Here this means "eternal life" or life that does not end.

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

"the tree that gives people the ability to understand both good and evil" or "the tree that makes people who eat its fruit able to know good things and bad things"

good and evil

"everything, including both good and evil"

in the midst of the garden

"in the middle of the garden."

Genesis 2:10

A river went out of Eden to water the garden

"A river flowed through Eden to water the garden"

Genesis 2:11


This is the only time this river is referred to in the Bible.

the whole land of Havilah

"the whole land called Havilah." It was somewhere in the Arabian Desert.

where there is gold

"There is gold in Havilah"

Genesis 2:12

There are also bdellium and the onyx stone

"This is also where people can find bdellium and onyx stones"


This resin comes from a tree and smells nice. A resin is sticky stuff that comes out of some trees and can burn.

the onyx stone

"onyx stones." Onyx is a certain kind of beautiful stone.

Genesis 2:13


This is the only mention of this river in the Bible.

the whole land of Cush

"the entire land called Cush"

Genesis 2:14

it flows east of Ashur

"it flows in the land east of the city of Ashur"

Genesis 2:15

the garden of Eden

"the garden that was in Eden"

to work it

"to cultivate it." This means to do everything necessary so that the plants will grow well.

to maintain it

to guard against anything bad happening in it

Genesis 2:16

From every tree in the garden

"The fruit of every tree in the garden"

may freely eat

"may eat without restriction"

Genesis 2:18

I will make him a helper suitable for him

"I will make a helper who is just right for him"

Genesis 2:20

all the livestock

"all the animals that people look after"

Genesis 2:21


This refers to the soft parts of the body like skin and muscle.

Genesis 2:22

With the rib ... he made a woman

"From the rib ... he formed a woman." The rib was the material God made the woman from.

Genesis 2:23

This time, this one is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh

"Finally, this one's bones are like my bones, and her flesh is like my flesh." After looking among all the animals for a partner and not finding one, he finally saw someone who was like him and could be his partner.

Genesis 2:24

Therefore a man

"That is why a man"

a man will leave his father and his mother

"a man will stop living in his father and mother's home." This is about men in general. It does not refer to any particular man at any particular time.

they will become one flesh

"their two bodies will become one body"

Genesis 2:25


"not wearing clothing"

but were not ashamed

"they were not ashamed about being naked"