Pasal 10

1 Nato, Yesus ince sndema nato we Yudea ne nato hero we namurwai Yordan ne. Nato, haru rwe rmay nyeto sukyaji. Nato, hona hona Nyeryeto ince sndetane cisyeri. 2 Nato, haru Farisi nyetanya, tormay nyeto risinye osato, "harutantatai nyemonye to mhae?" 3 Yesus ryeto roborari, "Musa nunu to nuhusa rboranu?" 4 Rye roboha, "Musa nye nuhusa ehecairi harutantatai nye ona mhai tre cai." 5 Nato, Yesus nye ryeto forari, "nunutanu hena mahe ne, Musa onacai ma cananu. 6 Busane, Tmara ince nye cai ma rye tantama monyema. 7 Resendeto, haru tantatai nyeta ciceri nenyeri tamama rugu. 8 Rye, horoti snde trinye. Rohonyetaje rye sbatai horoti, trinye rohonye taje. 9 Osa, Tmara nye cai ma, foha tra haru mo treweri. 10 Nato, mai numararone, nyeta haruca nyeto risinye nuhu snde. 11 Haru hei, Nye suweto mhae, "nye nato monye te crei, yewrere nyeta monye to caji. 12 Nato, monye nyetanta to mhae, we tanta te crei snde wrerecai." (Yesus nye ntraha to berkaticairi) 13 Nato, nye ntraha moyahoi rucohori Yesus nyato remaira nye ntraha snde horau ritre, nyeta haruca ryeto nuhu acaira. 14 Nato, Yesus nyehijama nyta haru cato farori ntraha moyahsi snde ricohori nhota nhoto rmaico nunu mo bwana nanari haru-haru rye taneu Tmaranya rarone rijotjei snde. 15 Nho, nuhu hon honye nyere neto bore netre haru hei nye oru cai fanee be nye haru moyeni tabe nye Tmaranya raro nyere moha hruru. 16 Nato Yesus nye ntraha sndeto horori manye ryeto berkati caihi. ( Haru o ntugu rabe nye Yesus to crewe ) 17 So, nato Yesus nyeta hruguwaha cetre ortinje harutai nyeta nyato mai srari mai salih hrarene nye sinye, "Guru ne haru wane osare nho yaira bwari frame hawe yako?" 18 Nato, nye ryeto roforari, osato nunu foha nho haru nyere wanee? haru mitai sra wane fane Tmara Baitaje. 19 Nunu, hircawe nuhu wana-nuhu wana haruto mo meni rumsou, mo yewre mairi, mo swanggomai haruto nuhu haba-haba mofoha nuhu sirya momai ciceri nenyeri aysu maurito. 20 Nato haru snde nyeto fore "Guru, nho osende sibi wai nho nogu sho necoti." 21 Nato Yesus nye sroho sndeto hije ma aysu cai ji ma nyeto fore, nuhutai neta trinye nefahe Bweto neta o snde sibi borito nato haru otete fane tofarurito. 22 Nato, nyeta hena snde smrice ceji nye shoji tuge nyeta omtugu raberha. 23 Nato, Yesus breto hijama nyeta haruca to forari osato haru orabe snde Tmaranya raro nesede moha ra hruru. 24 Haruca rucoto nuhu sndeto nato, Yesus nye ryeto forari, "ntraha-ntraha osa trumeto nu Tmaranya raro nyere moha hruru! 25 Ta mhaibe jarum rboya ne hruru haru orabe nye Tmara nya ince nyre nye 26 Haru-haru rucoto teto teto rinsi hei nye bwari frame tatijai?" 27 Yesus ryeto hijari ma forari, osa nebwaijaire moha cai omha Tmaranya nye cai jare snde nye caijai." ( Hawe Yesus to tahe ) 28 Petrus nye Yesus to fore, "hijato! tni otete sibi mhabaru to tni neto tahe neto!" 29 Yesus foha, "Nho, neto nuhu hon honye nyere borenetre osato harutai nye numa snde tai nye rogu-rogu tanta-tanta, torogu-rogu monye-monye ri nenye-nenye ruma ntraha-ntraha, uma-uma, nyeta simwe maibe bwari frametijotjai, 30 mhonye reorabe moha nuhu numa-numa, ma rogu-rogu ri tanta-tanta, to rogu-rogu, monye-monye ma ntraha-ntraha, ma uma-uma, nyeta simwe maibe bwari frametijatjai. 31 Nato, haru raise mha mteto snde nato trunguto rmai trugu re natominteto." ( Yesus nye nato mumwabgu to sboha ) 32 Rye hogu rugwaha harone rimnyanyai rhau Yerusalem ne nato Yesus ritari tye sugne mteto caha, nato rye henhanggu ryai re sndeto haru-haru nyeto rtahe snde rye awato. nato, Yesus mai nyeta haru cafuru sndema curu mai nye sni riyeto rborari osare nyeta trinyene caijai, 33 Osato "hya tni mha Yerusalem tohicau nato Haruntugu nye Imam-imam Froha ma ahli-ahli Taurat. Rye nye to hukum riyaji mabu nato ryeto riyuna rye haru-haru Yahudi fane haru ti. 34 rye nyeto nuhu simsim mwe rbore nato hiborisbarej nyeto rorokoji nato riyeji mabuma nato hona toru nobo Nye hari." ( Yakobus ri Yohanes ri rtinggeji) 35 Nato, Yakobus ri Yohanes ntraha-ntraha, Zebedeus nma ma Yesus ma rboha, "Guru, tni hena hau ne osa tito bwai tni neto tenggeji ne." 36 Nato, Yesus ryeto forari "osa nu hena hau nu nho o snde nuto yai nuto?" 37 Rye nyeto rbore, "Enghe haru tni ma taje nyre neta haha re, nato tetai snde marijire fatane neta ra rone." 38 Osato Yesus ryeto forari nu nwaji osre na tenggeji numahema na mha nye cuangjai snde nato nanohari osama nanohori na nyeto rnohe ri?" 39 Rye nyeto rbore, "Tni mahe!" Nato, Yesus foha, "cawan mha nho snde honhonye nunu nato nu narnono snde nam nhoto rhone nho. 40 Nako, nyeta nana refata totima nato mriji refamai snde nho moha boha, nyeto rya ne trei." 41 Nye, nono snde nyeta haruca sepuluh te snde nuhu Yakobus ri Yohanes. 42 Nato, Yesus nye ryeto hyari nye sindi "Nu hircawe ryeto rborari osato nugure haru-haru Yahudi fane o cai snde hitari mwene faru osato haru mhai-mhai rye oriyai rya mwene. 43 Osato, moha mai nunu snde nato mai. Haru hei nyeta hena hagu nye mhai cofori nufuru snde, ne pelayan to forari, 44 Nato,hei nye hena hagu mnteto nufur, nye pelayan to fore rye sibi munyi. 45 Osato, haruntugunye may mo layaru tiaji nato nye layani, cai ntra. ( Yesus nye Bartimeus ceji wane nana) 46 Nako, rye rwe Yerikho. Nako Yesus nye we Yerikho ne nyeta haruca nato harurabe, haru simwe rwentgu fane nyeta henahe Bartimeus, haruntugu Timeus, rye ruwagha hirijine ryatgu. 47 Nato, nye noho foha Yesus nye hasare, ne nye nato hiyari ma foha, "Yesus, Haruntugu hena bwaji nhoto!" 48 Nato, harurabe nyeto rbore ma nyeto nuhu ryaji nhu pane nato nye mhai be ciryeri, "Haruntugu Daud, nhoto hena bwaji nhoto!" 49 Nato, Yesus ragumafoha "nyeto hiyaji." Nato, rye nyeta hijairi." 50 Nato, orji snde rharjima haru fsongge snde tungu nato Yesus nyato may. 51 Nato, Yesus nye foha "osare nu hena hau nho nuto yai nuto?" haru ruwengu cumboi re snde foha, "Rabi, ra nho kijatre." 52 Nato, Yesus nye to fore, "bweto neta hema maireta ne wanena." Hona snde tane nye nato cau hijima nye nato Yesus tahe nyeta bwar frame.