Genesis 5

Genesis 5:1

in his own likeness

"to truly be like us"

Genesis 5:2

when they were created

"when he created them"

Genesis 5:3

he became the father of a son

"he had a son"

Genesis 5:4

He became the father of more sons and daughters

"He had more sons and daughters"

Genesis 5:5

Adam lived 930 years

"Adam lived a total of 930 years"

then he died

This phrase will be repeated throughout the chapter. Use the ordinary word for "died."

Genesis 5:6

he became the father of Enosh

"he had his son Enosh"


This is the name of a person.

Genesis 5:8

Seth lived 912 years

"Seth lived nine hundred and twelve years." Seth lived a total of 912 years.

Genesis 5:21

he became the father of Methuselah

"he had his son Methuselah"


This is the name of a man.

Genesis 5:22

Enoch walked with God

"Enoch had a close relationship with God" or "Enoch lived in union with God"

He became the father of more sons and daughters

"He had more sons and daughters"

Genesis 5:23

Enoch lived 365 years

"Enoch lived three hundred and sixty-five years."

Genesis 5:24

then he was gone

The word "he" refers to Enoch. He was no longer on earth.

for God took him

This means that God took Enoch to be with himself.

Genesis 5:25


This Lamech is different from the Lamech in Genesis 4:18.

Genesis 5:28

became the father of a son

"had a son"

Genesis 5:29


Translators may want to add a footnote that says: "This name sounds like the Hebrew word that means 'rest.'"

from our work and from the painful labor of our hands

"from working so hard with our hands"

Genesis 5:31

Lamech lived 777 years

"Lamech lived seven hundred seventy-seven years."

Genesis 5:32

he became the father of

"he had his sons." This does not tell us whether the sons were born on the same day or in different years.

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

These sons may not be listed in the order of their birth. There is disagreement about which one was the oldest. Avoid translating this in a way that implies that the list is in the order of their ages.