Genesis 20

Genesis 20 General Notes

Special concepts in this chapter

"She is my sister"

Abraham was afraid the people of Gerar would see him as a foreigner and upon seeing his beautiful wife, they would try to kill him. This would free Sarah to marry someone else. Apparently, it would have been easy for them to kill a foreigner without punishment. If she was Abraham's sister, they would have shown favor to him. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit and /WA-Catalog/en_tw?section=kt#favor)

Other possible translation difficulties in this chapter


Abraham believed that the people of Gerar did not fear Yahweh, but when confronted by Yahweh, the king showed that he feared Yahweh. Instead, it was Abraham who did not show any fear of Yahweh when he sinned. This is irony. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tw?section=kt#fear and /WA-Catalog/en_tw?section=kt#sin)

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Genesis 20:1


This is a desert region on the eastern border of Egypt. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#translate-names)

Genesis 20:2

sent for Sarah and took her

"made his men go get Sarah and bring her to him"

Genesis 20:3

God came to Abimelek

"God appeared to Abimelek"


"pay attention, because what I am about to say is both true and important: "

you are a dead man

This is a strong way of saying the king will die. Alternate translation: "you will certainly die soon" or "I will kill you" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-idiom)

a man's wife

"a married woman"

Genesis 20:4

Now ... her

This word is used here to mark a change from the story to information about Abimelech. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#writing-background)

Abimelek had not come near her

This is a polite way of saying he did not have sex with her. Alternate translation: "Abimelek had not had sexual relations with Sarah" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-euphemism)

even a righteous nation

Here "nation" stands for the people. Abimelech is worried that God will punish not only him, but his people also. Alternate translation: "even a people who are innocent" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

Genesis 20:5

Did he not himself say to me, 'She is my sister?' Even she herself said, 'He is my brother.'

This has quotations within a quotation. They can be stated as indirect quotations. Alternate translation: "Did he himself not tell me that she is his sister? Even she herself told me that he is her brother." (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotesinquotes and /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotations)

Did he not himself say to me, 'She is my sister?'

Abimelech used this rhetorical question to remind God of something God already knew. This can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: "Abraham himself told me, 'She is my sister.'" or "Abraham said that she is his sister." (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-rquestion)

Did he not himself say ... Even she herself

The words "he himself" and "she herself" are used for emphasis to bring attention to Abraham and Sarah and to blame them for what happened. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-rpronouns)

I have done this in the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands

Here "heart" stands for his thoughts or intentions. Also "hands" stands for his actions. Alternate translation: "I have done this with good intentions and actions" or "I have done this with no evil thoughts or actions" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

Genesis 20:6

God said to him

"God said to Abimelech"

in the integrity of your heart you did this

Here "heart" stands for his thoughts or intentions. Alternate translation: "you did this with good intentions" or "you did this without evil intentions" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

to touch her

This is a euphemism for having sex with Sarah. Alternate translation: "to sleep with her" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-euphemism)

Genesis 20:7

the man's wife

"Abraham's wife"

you will live

"I will let you live"

all who are yours

"all of your people"

Genesis 20:8

He told all these things to them

"He told them everything that God had told him"

Genesis 20:9

What have you done to us?

Abimelech used this rhetorical question to accuse Abraham. Alternate translation: "You have done something bad to us!" or "Look what you have done to us!" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-rquestion)

to us

The word "us" here is exclusive and does not include Abraham and Sarah. If your language uses an exclusive form of "we" or "us," use it here. (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-exclusive)

How have I sinned against you, that you have brought ... sin?

Abimelech used this rhetorical question to remind Abraham that he had not sinned against Abraham. Alternate translation: "I have done nothing against you to cause you to bring ... sin." (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-rquestion)

that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin

To cause someone to be guilty of sinning is spoken of as if "sin" was a thing that could be placed on a person. Alternate translation: "that you should make me and my kingdom guilty of such a terrible sin" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metaphor)

on my kingdom

Here "kingdom" stands for the people. Alternate translation: "on the people of my kingdom" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

You have done to me deeds that ought not to be done

"You should not have done this to me"

Genesis 20:10

What prompted you to do this thing?

"What caused you to do this?" or "Why did you do this?" What Abraham did can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: "Why did you tell me that Sarah is your sister?" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit)

Genesis 20:11

Because I thought, 'Surely there is no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'

This is a quotation within a quotation. It can be stated as an indirect quotation. Alternate translation: "Because I thought that since no one here fears God, someone may kill me so they can take my wife." (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotesinquotes and /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotations)

no fear of God in this place

Here "place" refers to the people. Alternate translation: "no one here in Gerar fears God" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

fear of God

This means to deeply respect God and show that respect by obeying him.

Genesis 20:12

Besides, she is indeed my sister

"Also, it is true that Sarah is my sister" or "Also, Sarah really is my sister"

the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother

"we have the same father, but we have different mothers"

Genesis 20:13

General Information:

Verse 13 is a continuation of Abraham's answer to Abimelech.

my father's house

Here "house" stands for Abraham's family. Alternate translation: "my father and the rest of my family" or "my father's household" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metonymy)

I said to her, 'You must show me this faithfulness as my wife: At every place where we go, say about me, "He is my brother."'

This has quotations within quotations. They can be stated as indirect quotations. Alternate translation: "I said to Sarah that I wanted her to be faithful to me by telling people everywhere we go that I am her brother" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotesinquotes and /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-quotations)

Genesis 20:14

Abimelek took

"Abimelek brought some"

Genesis 20:15

Abimelek said

"Abimelek said to Abraham"


"Pay attention, because what I am about to say is both true and important"

my land is before you

This is a way of saying "I make all of my land available to you" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-idiom)

Settle wherever it pleases you

"Live wherever you want"

Genesis 20:16

a thousand

"1,000" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#translate-numbers)

It is to cover any offense against you in the eyes of all who are with you

Giving money to prove to others that Sarah is innocent is spoken of as if he is placing a cover over an offense so no one can see it. Alternate translation: "I am giving this to him, so that those who are with you will know that you have done nothing wrong" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metaphor)

in the eyes

The eyes represent seeing, and seeing represents thoughts or judgment. Alternate translation: "in the opinion" or "in the judgement" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-metaphor)

before everyone, you are completely made right

The passive phrase "made right" can be stated in active form. Alternate translation: "everyone will know that you are innocent" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-activepassive)

Genesis 20:17

General Information:

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Genesis 20:18

closed all the wombs of the household of Abimelek

"made all the women of Abimelek's household totally unable to have children"

because of Sarah, Abraham's wife

The full meaning can be stated explicitly. Alternate translation: "because Abimelech had taken Abraham's wife Sarah" (See: /WA-Catalog/en_tm?section=jit#figs-explicit)