Genesis 30

Genesis 30:2

According to Jacob, why did Rachel have no children?

According to Jacob, God had kept Rachel from having children.

Genesis 30:3

What did Rachel do in order to have children?

Rachel gave Jacob Bilhah her servant so she could have children on Rachel’s behalf.

Genesis 30:7

Why did Rachel say that she had prevailed against her sister Leah?

Rachel said that she had prevailed because Bilhah her servant bore two sons for Jacob.

Genesis 30:8

Why did Rachel say that she had prevailed against her sister Leah?

Rachel said that she had prevailed because Bilhah her servant bore two sons for Jacob.

Genesis 30:9

What did Leah do when she saw that she had stopped bearing children?

Leah gave Jacob Zilpah her servant so she could have children on Leah’s behalf.

Genesis 30:10

What caused Leah to say, “This is fortunate.”?

Leah said, “This is fortunate.” because Zilpah her servant bore Jacob a son.

Genesis 30:11

What caused Leah to say, “This is fortunate.”?

Leah said, “This is fortunate.” because Zilpah her servant bore Jacob a son.

Genesis 30:14

What did Rachel offer Leah in exchange for her son’s mandrakes?

In exchange for Reuben’s mandrakes, Rachel offered to let Leah sleep with Jacob that night

Genesis 30:15

What did Rachel offer Leah in exchange for her son’s mandrakes?

In exchange for Reuben’s mandrakes, Rachel offered to let Leah sleep with Jacob that night

Genesis 30:20

How many sons did Leah bear for Jacob?

Leah bore six sons for Jacob.

Genesis 30:23

What caused Rachel to say that her shame had been taken away?

When Rachel bore a son for Jacob, she said that her shame had been taken away.

Genesis 30:25

What request did Jacob make to Laban after Joseph was born?

Jacob requested that Laban let Jacob go with his family back to his own home and country.

Genesis 30:26

What request did Jacob make to Laban after Joseph was born?

Jacob requested that Laban let Jacob go with his family back to his own home and country.

Genesis 30:27

Why did Laban not want to let Jacob go away?

Laban had divined that Yahweh had blessed him for Jacob’s sake.

Genesis 30:32

What wages did Jacob receive for his work for Laban?

Jacob took the speckled, spotted, and black sheep, and the speckled and spotted goats from Laban’s flock that he tended.

Genesis 30:35

How did Laban cheat Jacob concerning Jacob’s wages?

Laban first removed the animals that Jacob would have taken, before he gave the flock to Jacob to tend.

Genesis 30:36

How did Laban cheat Jacob concerning Jacob’s wages?

Laban first removed the animals that Jacob would have taken, before he gave the flock to Jacob to tend.

Genesis 30:37

What kind of sticks did Jacob peel white streaks into?

Jacob peeled white streaks into branches of fresh poplar, almond, and plane trees.

Genesis 30:38

What did Jacob do with the peeled sticks?

Jacob put the sticks that he had peeled in front of the flocks, in front of the watering troughs where they came to drink.

Genesis 30:39

What happened when the flocks bred in front of the sticks?

When the flocks bred in front of the sticks they produced striped, speckled, and spotted young.

Genesis 30:42

What was the result of Jacob’s breeding of the animals?

The result was that Laban’s flock was feebler, and Jacob’s flock was stronger.