Genesis 28

Genesis 28:1

What command did Isaac give Jacob before he left?

Isaac commanded Jacob not to take a Canaanite wife.

Genesis 28:2

Where did Isaac tell Jacob to get a wife?

Isaac told Jacob to get a wife from the daughters of Laban, Rebekah’s brother.

Genesis 28:4

Whose blessing did Isaac ask God to give Jacob?

Isaac asked God to give Jacob the blessing of Abraham.

Genesis 28:8

From where did Esau get one of his wives when he saw that the women of Canaan did not please Isaac?

Esau took a wife from the daughters of Ishmael, Abraham’s son.

Genesis 28:9

From where did Esau get one of his wives when he saw that the women of Canaan did not please Isaac?

Esau took a wife from the daughters of Ishmael, Abraham’s son.

Genesis 28:12

What did Jacob see in his dream while on the way to Haran?

Jacob saw a ladder from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it, and Yahweh standing above it.

Genesis 28:13

What did Jacob see in his dream while on the way to Haran?

Jacob saw a ladder from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending on it, and Yahweh standing above it.

What did Yahweh say about the land Jacob was lying on?

Yahweh said that the land Jacob was lying on would be given to him and his descendants.

Whose blessing did Yahweh give to Jacob?

Yahweh gave Jacob the blessing of Abraham.

Genesis 28:17

What did Jacob say about the place where he had the dream?

Jacob said the place was the house of God and the gate of heaven.

Genesis 28:19

What name did Jacob give the place where he had the dream?

Jacob named the place Beth-el.

Genesis 28:20

What did Jacob say Yahweh must do in order for Yahweh to be his God?

Jacob said that Yahweh must be with him and protect him on his journey so that he returned safely to his father’s house.

Genesis 28:21

What did Jacob say Yahweh must do in order for Yahweh to be his God?

Jacob said that Yahweh must be with him and protect him on his journey so that he returned safely to his father’s house.

Genesis 28:22

What did Jacob promise to give Yahweh if Yahweh did these things for him?

Jacob promised to give back to Yahweh a tenth of everything Yahweh gave Jacob.