Genesis 15

Genesis 15:1

When Yahweh appeared to Abram, what encouragement did Yahweh give Abram?

Yahweh told Abram not to fear, and that he was Abram’s shield and very great reward.

Genesis 15:2

About what was Abram worried?

Abram was worried because he was still childless, and his steward was his heir.

Genesis 15:3

About what was Abram worried?

Abram was worried because he was still childless, and his steward was his heir.

Genesis 15:4

Who did Yahweh say would be Abram’s heir?

Yahweh said that one coming from Abram’s own body would be his heir.

Genesis 15:5

How many descendants did Yahweh say Abram would have?

Yahweh said that Abram would have descendants as numerous as the stars.

Genesis 15:6

How did Abram respond to Yahweh’s promise, and what did Yahweh then do?

Abram believed Yahweh, and Yahweh counted it to Abram as righteousness.

Genesis 15:8

What question did Abram ask Yahweh about the land?

Abram asked Yahweh, “How will I know that I will inherit it”?

Genesis 15:10

What did Abram then do with the animals he was told to bring?

Abram cut the animals in two and placed each half opposite the other.

Genesis 15:12

What happened to Abram when the sun was going down?

When the sun was going down Abram fell sound asleep and a deep and terrifying darkness overwhelmed him.

Genesis 15:13

For how long did Yahweh say Abram’s descendants would be enslaved and oppressed?

Yahweh told Abram his descendants would be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years.

Genesis 15:14

What did Yahweh say would happen to the nation that enslaved Abram’s descendants?

Yahweh said that he would judge that nation.

Genesis 15:15

How did Yahweh say Abram’s life would end?

Yahweh said that Abram would die in peace at a good old age.

Genesis 15:16

What would reach its limit before Abram’s descendants returned to the land promised them?

The sin of the Amorites would reach its limit before Abram’s descendants returned.

Genesis 15:17

That night, what happened amongst the pieces of the animals Abram had prepared?

A smoking fire pot and flaming torch passed between the pieces of the animals.

Genesis 15:18

What covenant did Yahweh make with Abram that day?

Yahweh made a covenant with Abram that he would give this land to Abram’s descendants.

Genesis 15:19

What covenant did Yahweh make with Abram that day?

Yahweh made a covenant with Abram that he would give this land to Abram’s descendants.

Genesis 15:20

What covenant did Yahweh make with Abram that day?

Yahweh made a covenant with Abram that he would give this land to Abram’s descendants.

Genesis 15:21

What covenant did Yahweh make with Abram that day?

Yahweh made a covenant with Abram that he would give this land to Abram’s descendants.