Genesis 11

Genesis 11:1

Immediately after the flood, how many languages were there on the whole earth?

Immediately after the flood, there was one language on the whole earth.

Genesis 11:2

Where did the people build their city and tower?

The people built their city and tower in the land of Shinar.

Genesis 11:4

What did the people decide to do instead of spreading across the whole earth as God had commanded?

Instead of spreading across the whole earth as God had commanded, the people decided to build a city and a tower.

What did the people want to make for themselves?

The people wanted to make a name for themselves.

Genesis 11:7

What did Yahweh come down and do to the people?

Yahweh came down and confused the people’s languages.

Why did God do this?

God confused their languages so they would not understand each other.

Genesis 11:8

What did God cause the people then to do?

God caused the people to scatter across the face of all the earth, as he had commanded.

Genesis 11:9

What was the name of the city the people tried to build?

The name of the city was Babel.

Genesis 11:10

The descendants of which son of Noah are given in this chapter?

The descendants of Shem, son of Noah, are given in this chapter.

Genesis 11:26

Who was the father of Abram?

The father of Abram was Terah.

Genesis 11:27

Terah’s son Haran had a son with what name?

Terah’s son Haran had a son named Lot.

Genesis 11:28

Where did Terah live?

Terah lived in Ur of the Chaldeans.

Genesis 11:29

What was the name of Abram’s wife?

Abram’s wife’s name was Sarai.

Genesis 11:30

What problem did Abram’s wife have?

Abram’s wife’s Sarai was barren and had no children.

Genesis 11:31

To where did Terah move with Abram, Sarai, and Lot?

Terah moved to the land of Canaan with Abram, Sarai, and Lot.