Genesis 9

Genesis 9:1

What did God tell Noah and his sons to do after they left the ark?

God told Noah and his sons to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.

Genesis 9:3

What did God give Noah and his sons now as food?

God gave Noah and his sons both the green plants and every moving thing that lived as food.

Genesis 9:4

How did God command that meat not be eaten?

God commanded that meat not be eaten with the blood in it.

What did God say was in the blood?

God said that the life was in the blood.

Genesis 9:5

What did God declare was the penalty for shedding a man’s blood?

God declared that the one who shed a man’s blood must have his blood shed.

Genesis 9:6

What did God declare was the penalty for shedding a man’s blood?

God declared that the one who shed a man’s blood must have his blood shed.

In whose image did God make man?

God made man in God’s image.

Genesis 9:9

What covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?

God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.

Genesis 9:10

What covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?

God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.

Genesis 9:11

What covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?

God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.

Genesis 9:13

What sign did God give of the covenant that he made with the earth?

God placed the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the covenant he made with the earth.

Genesis 9:15

What covenant promise did God make with everything that lives on the earth?

God made a covenant promise that never again will all flesh be destroyed by a flood.

Genesis 9:16

What sign did God give of the covenant that he made with the earth?

God placed the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the covenant he made with the earth.

Genesis 9:17

What sign did God give of the covenant that he made with the earth?

God placed the rainbow in the clouds as the sign of the covenant he made with the earth.

Genesis 9:18

What were the names of the three sons of Noah?

The names of the three sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

Genesis 9:20

What happened to Noah after he planted a vineyard?

After he planted a vineyard, Noah drank some of the wine and became drunk.

Genesis 9:21

What happened to Noah after he planted a vineyard?

After he planted a vineyard, Noah drank some of the wine and became drunk.

Genesis 9:23

How did Shem and Japheth cover the nakedness of their father?

Shem and Japheth walked backwards with a garment, while turned the other way, in order to cover the nakedness of their father.

Genesis 9:25

What was the curse Noah put on Ham?

Noah cursed Ham and said, “Cursed be Canaan. May he be a servant to his brothers’ servants.”

Genesis 9:26

Who did Noah bless?

Noah blessed both Shem and Japheth.

Genesis 9:27

Who did Noah bless?

Noah blessed both Shem and Japheth.